Five Agents/Phases I. 五行 Five agents 木 wood 火 fire 土 earth 金 metal 水 water 五色 Five colors 青 Green 赤 red 黃 yellow 白 white 黑 black 五方 Five directions 東 east 南 south 中 center 西 west 北 north 五臟 Five viscera 肝 Liver 心 heart 脾 spleen 肺 lung 腎 kidney 五味 Five tastes 酸 sour 苦 bitter 甜 sweet 辣 acrid 鹹 salty 五常 仁 Benevol-ence 禮 ritual 信 Trust-worthiness 義 Appropri-ateness 智 wisdom I.
woord wood water fire metal earth
Cyclical Philosophy of History Mutual influence between human and Nature / the unity between heaven and human Chinese medicine as an example -- Holistic thinking - Use of yin and yang/five agents concepts - No body/mind dualism - morality relevant to health -- Preventative -- Process oriented (natural process not to be forcefully interrupted)
Daily One-minute Paper 1. What is the big point you learned in class today? 2. What is the main, unanswered question you leave class with today?