An Overview of… The American Revolution


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Presentation transcript:

An Overview of… The American Revolution Notable Battles and People

Battle of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775 Key Names, Places, and Terms: Revere and Dawes British General Thomas Gage “Minutemen” at Lexington “Shot heard ‘round the world” The “Old North Bridge”

Total British Casualties: --73 Killed!! --174 Injured --26 missing Roughly 240 British Regulars arrived in Lexington 70-80 Minutemen stood on the Lexington Green 8 Colonists were killed in Lexington Estimated 400 Militiamen arrive in Concord Roughly 1700(!) British Regulars meet back in Lexington and retreat under heavy fire back to Boston Total British Casualties: --73 Killed!! --174 Injured --26 missing

“The Lexington Minuteman”

Fort Ticonderoga, May 1775 Key Names, Places, and Terms: Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys (VT) Benedict Arnold Cannons and Supplies: used to evacuate British from Boston the following year June 1777 British retake it

Lake Champlain Fort Ticonderoga

48 British Troops

Bunker (Breed’s) Hill, June 17, 1775 Key Names, Places, and Terms: British General William Howe Colonel William Prescott Dr. Joseph Warren "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" 2300 British Soldiers, over 200 killed and more than 800 severely wounded (many officers!) Morale Booster

Notable Events and Dates….. July 1775: Washington arrives in Mass. and takes command of the Continental Army March 1776: British evacuate Boston (Back to the map: Dorchester Heights) July 4, 1776: Declaration of Independence August 1776: British invade NYC, GW retreats south into New Jersey/Penn.

GW Crosses the Delaware River: Dec 25, 1776 Key Names, Places, and Terms: Trenton and Princeton, New Jersey Hessians Small victories but huge morale boosters

The Battle of Saratoga: Sept-Oct. 1777 Key Names, Places, and Terms: TWO Battles – Battle of Freeman’s Farm Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold British General John Burgoyne “Turning Point” of the war

Benedict Arnold

Horatio Gates

Naval Battles Key Names, Places, and Terms: “The Turtle” John Paul Jones “Bonhomme Richard”

Ezra Lee