Department: Microbiology Campylobacter jejuni Dr.ruaa elias College of Medicine Department: Microbiology
List of Contents: Objectives Introduction Important properties Source and Transmission Virulence factors Diseases Diagnosis(Metabolic reactions & Biochemical Tests)
Objectives: -C. jejuni invades the mucosal cells of the jejunum, ileum and large intestines and cause Enterocolitis: -Zoonotic transmission occurs via contact with dogs, cats, farm animals, and fowl, especially chicken and turkey -Infections by C. jejuni are very common, especially in children and young adults. - The students must learn all detail about the virulence factors,pathogenicity and diagnosis, treatment of these very important bacteria
Introduction -C. jejuni is usually present in high -C. jejuni is a genus of Gram-negative bacilli bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae family. -C. jejuni is usually present in high numbers in the diarrheal stools of individuals - Animals are reservoirs for C. jejuni.
Important properties 1- It is S or Comma shape Gram negative bacterium. 2- It is microaerophilic, fastidious, non-spore forming, non- capsulated, motile bacterium
Source and Transmission 1- Animals are reservoirs for C. jejuni. 2- Zoonotic transmission occurs via contact with dogs, cats, farm animals, and fowl, especially chicken and turkey. 3- Transmission also occurs via fecal oral route from child to child when living or playing together.
Virulence factors 1- Endotoxin (LPS) 2- Flagella
Diseases Enterocolitis: C. jejuni invades the mucosal cells of the jejunum, ileum and large intestines. The invasion does not progress to become a systemic invasion. - C. jejuni thrives in human bile secretions.
Diseases Symptoms: Fever, nausea, abdominal pain, watery or bloody diarrhea with inflammation and pus in stool Infections by C. jejuni are very common, especially in children and young adults.
Metabolic reactions & Biochemical Tests Diagnosis Metabolic reactions & Biochemical Tests C. jejuni is usually present in high numbers in the diarrheal stools of individuals, but isolation requires special antibiotic-containing media and a special microaerophilic atmosphere (5% oxygen). Campylobacter is grown on specially selective "CAMP" agar plates at 42 °C.
Metabolic reactions & Biochemical Diagnosis Metabolic reactions & Biochemical Tests -They will usually only grow in scanty amounts on the plates . Microaerophilic conditions are required for growth -The selective medium known as Skirrow's medium is used. Skirrow's medium is blood agar with a cocktail of antibiotics:
Diagnosis Metabolic reactions & Biochemical Tests vancomycin,polymixin-B and trimethoprim under microaerophilic conditions at 42 degrees.
SEM of Campylobacter jejuni, Scanning electron microscope image of Campylobacter jejuni SEM of Campylobacter jejuni, common cause of food poisoning x12,570
How can campylobacteriosis be prevented? 1-Wrap fresh meats in plastic bags at the market to prevent blood from dripping on other foods. 2-Refrigerate foods promptly; minimize holding at room temperature.
How can campylobacteriosis be prevented? 3-Cutting boards and counters used for preparation should be washed immediately after use to prevent cross contamination with other foods.
How can campylobacteriosis be prevented? 4-Ensure that the correct internal cooking temperature is reached particularly when using a microwave. 5-Avoid eating raw eggs or undercooking foods containing raw eggs. 6-Encourage careful handwashing before and after food preparation
Treatment 1- Infection is most often self limited 2- Fluid and electrolyte replacement is necessary 3- Erythromycin in sever cases.
Summary with a cocktail of antibiotics.for preventive avoid Campylobacter jejuni isIt is S or Comma shape Gram negative bacteria in the Enterobacteriaceae family. Has Virulence factors: Endotoxin (LPS) Flagella .Animals are reservoirs for C. jejuni Zoonotic transmission, invades the mucosal cells of the jejunum, ileum and large intestines and cause Enterocolitis, Diagnosis of Campylobacter jejuni require Microaerophilic conditions for growth and selective medium known as Skirrow's media is blood agar with a cocktail of antibiotics.for preventive avoid eating raw eggs or undercooking foods containing raw eggs and encourage careful handwashing before and after food preparation don’t need treatment Infection is most often self limited ,Erythromycin in sever cases.
References Medical Microbiology, edited by Jawetz,E., Brooks,G.F.; Carroll,K.C.;Butet,J.S.; Mores,S.A.and Mietzner,T.A. 2010. 25 th ed. Medical Microbiology, edited by Jawetz,E., Brooks,G.F.; Butet,J.S and Mores,S.A. 2004. 23 th ed. Internet access .
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