PhD Defence Elisabet Tiana Roig


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Presentation transcript:

PhD Defence Elisabet Tiana Roig Eigenbeamforming array systems for sound source localization Thursday 27th November 2014, at 13.00 The Technical University of Denmark Building 306, Auditorium 36 Principal supervisors: Associate professor Cheol-Ho Jeong, (Associate professor Finn Jacobsen), DTU Elektro Co-supervisor: Associate professor Finn Agerkvist, Examiners: Professor Boaz Rafaely, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Dr. Wook-Keun Song, Bruël & Kjær, Denmark Associate professor Peter Møller Juhl, University of Southern Denmark (Chairman) Chairman of Defence: Professor Torsten Dau A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department