Map work (page 24 &25) Include, draw in and label the following Shade


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Presentation transcript:

Map work (page 24 &25) Include, draw in and label the following Shade Nile River Tigris River Euphrates River Yellow River Indus River The Continents & Oceans Shade Egyptian Civilization Mesopotamia Indus Valley Ancient Chinese Civilizations Honors World: Also label the following: Mediterranean Sea Persian Gulf Red Sea Sinai, Gobi, Sahara deserts Himalayas mountains

Nile River Civilization Ancient Egypt Nile River Civilization

Geography Located along the Nile River: Longest river in the world Regular summer flooding left behind fertile soil----called SILT Good source of transportation Natural barriers (deserts)

Geography Regions/Climate zones Desert: Sahara is ¼ of continent Grasslands: few trees and thorny bushes Rainforest: includes jungle areas-dense plants and vegetation Mountains: northern/southern tips mainly

Egyptian Life and Culture Social Structure classes consisted of the pharaoh, government officials/nobles, middle class, peasants/slaves One could change classes women had many legal rights (equal to husband, could own property, seek divorce, testify in court) UNLIKE many civilizations

Egyptian Life & Culture Religion: polytheistic Gods/Goddesses: controlled forces of nature such as Ra (sun god) Afterlife: only for pharaohs at first then for everyone; mummified body placed in tomb (pyramid) with food and other materials needed in the afterlife

Egyptian Life and Culture Math/Science System of mathematics to collect taxes (based on the number 10) Used calculations and measurements to build pyramids Developed calendar (365 days divided into 12 months)

Egyptian Life and Culture Medicine relied on practical knowledge that allowed them to set broken bones, treat wounds, performed simple surgeries Often used charms and chants

Egyptian Life and Culture Writing hieroglyphics carved into stone or on papyrus originated to record religious rituals

Tigris & Euphrates Rivers Civilization Sumerian City-States Tigris & Euphrates Rivers Civilization

Geography Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Fertile Crescent Lie within 30 miles of each other Land between the rivers is known as the Mesopotamia; Present day Iraq Rivers flow in unpredictable ways Fertile Crescent Begins in the valley of the Tigris & Euphrates and runs along the Mediterranean coast to Egypt Open to invaders

Sumerian Life and Culture Social Structure Classes consisted of priest/kings, merchants, farmers, slaves One could change classes Women had many legal rights, but education was for upper class boys Writing Cuneiform: marks pressed into wet clay tablets

Sumerian Life and Culture Science/Technology Invented the wheel, sail, and plow First to use bronze Created number system based on 60, 360 degree circle Architecture: arches, columns, ramps, ziggurats

Sumerian Life and Culture Religion Polytheistic Built ziggurats to impress the gods Believed in negative afterlife

The Religions and Ideas of the Middle East What were the basic ideas of Hammurabi’s Code? In what ways would the code bring order to Babylon? Read Exodus 9, and 11 through 14; also, Dueteronomy 2. In what ways do these passages reflect cultural diffusion? In what ways did the Torah demand more of people than Hammurabi’s Code? After reading from “The Book of Amos, explain what the Hebrew god expects from his people.