SANAS in the 2008 National Framework Amendment
Ambient air quality monitoring Operators of ambient air quality monitoring stations should implement 17025 as a quality system. Once ISO 17025 is implemented, SANAS accreditation of ambient monitoring network can be applied for. Accreditation through SANAS is required to ensure data quality and integrity. In addition, the management of data from ambient air monitoring networks needs to standardized as follows: Data should only be reported in SAAQIS if from a SANAS-accredited monitoring station; If monitoring station is not SANAS accredited, this must be highlighted in metadata of station; Data should be validated before reporting; Presentation of data in wind roses, graphs etc should be uniform to enable comparison against ambient air quality standards, and against each other. For ambient air quality monitoring, SANS 1929 and SANS 69 must be complied with. Supplementary information for accreditation purposes is contained in SANAS R07.
Assessment of ambient concentrations The goal for South African Air Quality Management in future is to achieve a standard for ambient air monitoring. This objective includes the employment of a single methodology for the calibration of ambient air monitoring stations. In addition, once an ambient air monitoring network has been accredited by SANAS, it should be standard procedure for the network to have an annual independent audit calibration. This audit should be undertaken by a SANAS accredited calibration laboratory (National Measurement Lab).
Siting Monitoring Stations SANAS requirements in terms of siting ambient air quality monitoring stations (analysers and meteorological instruments) must be fulfilled. Where monitoring stations do not comply, this must be clearly stated as part of the Metadata for each station.
Emissions monitoring The process of developing a new programme for the accreditation of emissions monitoring has been initiated with SANAS. Once this programme is established, where emissions monitoring is a requirement of the APPA Registration Certificate or the AQA AEL, SANAS accreditation must be obtained for that monitoring.