The Bipartisan Brain Feeling Limbic System Thinking Frontal Lobes
Stop, Think, Solve Problems Behaviors of the Systems Behaviors Freeze, Flight, Fight Behaviors Stop, Think, Solve Problems Behaviors of the systems
Turned off by Limbic System Triggering Events Limbic System Freeze, Flight, Fight Frontal Lobes Turned off by Limbic System ----- Meeting Notes (6/18/15 15:18) ----- A trigger is anything that could potentially lead to a stress reaction. Internal/external triggers Interpersonal relationships are triggering to JB but he doesn't even know it. Based in attachment. Attachment is scary because relatiobnships are scary.
The Social Brain Engagement Disengagement Approach… AVOID! ----- Meeting Notes (6/18/15 16:09) ----- Trusting human beings is a frontal lobe heavy exercise. your limbic system only detects danger and isn't concerned with socializing with others when it's activated. So when the limbic system is on, you avoid people. or yell at them. or other things that will avoid connecting. The brain can rewire itself, but only after many behavioral reenactments. If John gets through a rough time by utilixing relationships, his body/brain doesn't expereince what it was anticipating.
Turned off by Limbic System Confabulation Frontal Lobes Turned off by Limbic System Limbic System Freeze, Flight, Fight ----- Meeting Notes (6/18/15 16:09) ----- Confabulation is the story of John's existence. If the brain is an anticipation machine, it's trying to figure out how to get from figurative point A to figurative point B. If the limbic system is activated, and the language system is compromised as a result, the brain will use whatever information is available to it to make sense of what's going on. Even if it doesn't make much sense. This is why a rough call from mom leads to yelling at someone else over the phone. Interpersonal stuff with mom is a trigger that causes a limbic reaction. already compromised frontal lobes try to make sense of what's going on in the body. This is when you use Stage 1 interventions (not logic and reason because the state is inherently illogical). If you try to move too fast with the processing, you'll become the target. Broca’s Region Language Production and Comprehension
The Brain is… The brain is an anticipation machine. It mostly anticipates what it has experienced. It gathers information from the perceived (and “remembered”) social and external world as well as conscious and unconscious memory and process. It then decides on, and prepares for, what it believes is coming next.
Symptoms of the people we serve Violence Aggression Manipulation Emotional outbursts Lack of motivation BAD BEHAVIOR
A more thoughtful look at “bad behavior” Developmental Trauma Van Der Kolk (2005) “Developmental Trauma Disorder: Towards a Rational Diagnosis for Chronically Traumatized Children
A TYPICAL STRESS RESPONSE Stressful Event ALARM Necessary survival response Deactivation Dissociation Activation F/F/F Return to Baseline
Necessary survival response Traumatic reorganization Stressful Event What happens when a person experiences inescapable, repeated, life-threatening, overwhelming stress ALARM Necessary survival response Captured and stored in embodied CNS Changes in Brain organization and function Lasting changes in social, emotional, cognitive, perceptual organization
Traumatic Re-enactment Event Similar facets to dangerous event (sight, sound, smell etc.) Time “over-reactive” Embodied CNS & neuroendocrine systems ALARM Unnecessary Survival response “BAD BEHAVIOR”
Treatment implications A traumatized brain sees the world and everything in it as a potential threat Luckily, neuroplasticity allows for “rewiring” Basis for treatment is reestablishing fundamental attachments The SSRT state/stage model allows for conceptualizing the path of treatment
The State Or Stage Model Stage 1 “Wrap The World Around Them” Stage 2 “Lay The Groundwork For Understanding Themselves & The World” Stage 3 “Wrap Them Around The World” Goals Stop blowing up Learn skills Understanding Targets The body The skills The mind Predominant State Anger Pain Hope Treatments Parasympathetic tools The Map Traditional psychotherapy Outcomes Stops blowing up Can map events Understand what makes them tick Common Misperceptions We Are Reinforcing Bad Behavior We Are Being Manipulated We have Extinguished the Behavior
M A N A G E anage yourself and the environment while modeling reasonable behavior A gree, acknowledge, and listen N avigate thoughts and perceptions A id in generating solutions and problem solving G enerate reasonable consequences and take personal responsibility E nd by repairing relationships