EIF Tier-2 Project (Component B):


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Presentation transcript:

EIF Tier-2 Project (Component B): Ministry of Industry and Commerce Department of Industry and Handicraft EIF Tier-2 Project (Component B): Strengthening Industrial Statistics in the Lao PDR The PRC Meeting 10th November 2016 Chair and co-chair; Representatives from all the implementing agencies. My name is………, from the Department of Industry and Handicraft, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the implementing agency for the project’s Component B entitled Strengthening Industrial Statistics in the Lao PDR.

Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) Lao are enjoy a high rate of economics growth Growth without plan lead into unbalance growth Plan without data & statistics lead to wrong direction Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR.

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Objective Building capacity to produce international compatible industrial statistics and policy formulation Produce industrial statistics Industrial policy formulation DoIH continues producing timely industrial statistics

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Goal MoIC by DoIH have a unit and staff with capability to produce industrial statistics, analysis, formulate industrial policy Adequate IT infrastructure for industrial statistics developments Main statistics for industrial economics planning produced Report on analytical and policy on industrial developments Quarterly Industrial Index Production (IIP) produced

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 1st year, 1 half Analysis organization structure, environments, infrastructure of MoIC and DoIH Analysis industrial economics database and statistics exiting Create action plan Equipments procured (computer, laptop, printer and accessories) Statistics team setup (4 DoIH officer) Designed registered manufacturing establishments questionnaire

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. List of equipments provided to DoIH head office + 18 provincial Item Quantity Desktop Computer 22 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Notebook Computer 4 Printer 19 Projector 1 Photo copy External Hard Disk 3

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 1st year, 2 half Conducted registered manufacturing establishments survey for listing

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 2st year, 1 half 2015 industry survey Survey frame designed census on Large + Medium (522+727=1,249) sampling on Small + Micro (288+312=600) Questionnaire designed & produced Enumerator team and supervisor team setup 56 DoIH provincial officer enumerator 5 DoIH + 1 LSB officer supervisor Three regions enumerator training (Vientiane, Sawannakhet, Luangphabang) Supervisor training in Vientiane

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Questionnaire design to support Sustainable development indicators (SDGs); Policy formulation Manufacturing Value Added Supply and Use Tables

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 2016 Industry survey purpose To collect the information on the existing manufacturing establishment organizational structure and to generate the statistics for the formal sector of economic activities according to the Lao Standard Industrial Classification (LSIC). To identify the production of goods and services in the reference year 2015 and to generate, analyze and present the goods and services statistics in the tabular form according to Central Product Classification (CPC). To produce the employment statistics. To provide the investment in manufacturing establishment in the country such as investment in fixed assets, raw material consumption, fuel and electricity consumption and sales of goods, stocks etc. To provide the estimate of output and input in manufacturing establishment To provide the information on investment in control of environment pollution To identify the problems and its effects in the manufacturing industries.

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 2st year, 2 half Develop manufacturing establishments database system Develop industry survey database system Database user training Database system administrator training 2015 Industry survey Survey conduct Data entry Statistics and tabulation designed Statistics report produce

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 3st year, 1st quarter IIP Survey design Sample frame design Industry and commodity selection Listing of sample Weight calculation Data entry and database design Questionnaire design Data collection process and mechanism design

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. 3st year, quarter 2-3 IIP survey Enumerator and supervisor team setup Enumerator & Supervisor & Data entry operator training Questionnaire and manual produced Data collection, tabulation Industrial Index Production produced Industrial development report produce using available industrial statistics Project seminar

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Training On-the-job training, learning by doing, and ad-hoc internal workshop through all project period. Content of training and workshop are lists as follow Basic statistics training, sampling and estimation, SNA statistics Analysis and Industrial developments training : Industry developments approach, Industry developments master plan, Developments Strategy, Action plan, SWOT analysis IIP Developments training : IIP Conceptual, Commodity and Industry selection, Commodity and Industry weight calculation, IIP calculation, Contribution calculation, IIP analysis and use IT training user-administrator training

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Throughout the project 5 modules have developed Human resource developments IT infrastructure developments Database and database system developments Industrial statistics developments Unit and organization to carry forward the industrial statistics production

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Throughout out the project we have 3 milestone roadmap 1st milestone – Develop infrastructure and create manufacturing establishments the population frame 2nd milestone – Conduct the 2015 industry survey to produce main statistics for economics and industry planning 3rd milestone – Produce a timelines statistics a quarter IIP to grasp industrial production timeliness By the end of 2016 the project will touchdown second milestone

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Encouraging factors and obstacle DoIH staff have good education and competencies Counterparts eager to learn and appreciated to have technical and knowledge transfer All level from officer to administrator are support and encourage the project MoIC and DoIH perceived that the project help in reduce workload and benefit in develop industrial database and statistics Obstacles Communication and transportation are weak IT network and internet access are weak

Capacity enhancement project on industrial statistics in Lao PDR. Challenges 2017 workload 2017 project goals to produce quarterly IIP with have to spend 1 quarter to design the survey and system The project have 2 quarter left to survey and produce a quarterly plus strengthening policy formulation capability

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