Corbin Bruton Elements of Poetry EOC Review Corbin Bruton Elements of Poetry
Poetry A poem is usually recognizable by short lines of text. Other characteristics of poetry are Rhythm, Rhyme, Alliteration, and Stanza. Not all poems have a rhyme though. Writers sometimes use free verse. Free verse is used to capture the sounds of everyday speech and poetry.
Rhythm Rhythm is the structure of repeating sounds in a poem. Ex: Roses are red, Violets are blue; Sugar is sweet, And so are you. Each line in the poem contains four beats and makes up the rhythm.
Rhyme Rhyme is the repeating sounds in a speech. Ex: I went to the zoo, Tommy went, too. I felt rather blue, ‘Cuz I didn’t see you. The last word rhymes in each line in the poem.
Sad, Sally sits by the seashore. Alliteration Alliteration is the repeating sounds in two or more words in a row. Ex: Sad, Sally sits by the seashore. In the line the s sound is repeated five times.
Stanza Stanzas are groups of lines that break up a poem into sections, similar to how paragraphs break up a story. Ex: How much wood Would a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck wood As much as a woodchuck could, If a woodchuck could chuck wood. The poem contains two stanzas, each of them focus on different thoughts in the poem.
Sample Passage Turn to page 100 and read My Shadow by Robert Louise Stevenson. While reading think of: What is the author describing in his poem? Why does the author call his shadow “him”. What does the author compare his shadow too? Then answer questions 1, 2, and 3.
Answers The answer to number 1 was C The answer to number 2 was B The answer to number 3 was D