Welcome Today is Monday, September 28, 2015 You will need your: Writing utensil Planner and Language Arts journal SpringBoard book Announcements: Who was absent? Check the box. A few of you are missing yellow slips. 1-devin and dre’shawn SRI will do SRI testing tomorrow. AVID table at lunch tomorrow. Get a packet and turn it in to me or Mr. Carpenter. 3rd period bring SRI book lists tomorrow. We will be heading to the library. Seating chart adjustments. Swift site 1st period will leave their journals here for me to grade.
Please write this learning target in your planner: I will learn about the concept (idea) of change by analyzing a poem and using a graphic organizer. Practice Activities I will read a poem. I will summarize each stanza. I will analyze the poem. Success Criteria I will have written stanza summaries and analyses of a poem.
Discuss the learning target. And turn to page 5.
Fist to Five and Exit Ticket Learning Target I learned about the concept (idea) of change by analyzing a poem and using a graphic organizer. Homework None Exit Task On a half sheet of paper write down one way the boy changed that is similar to a way you have changed.