Warm Up If you could live at one time in history, not current day, when would it be? Why?
Civilization Agriculture marked a dramatic change in how people lived Communities based on agriculture had plenty of food which could support populations and civilizations Domesticated animals and tools made farming easier Food surpluses also freed some villagers to pursue other jobs and develop skills other than farming
Changes in way of life Economic Changes Social Changes Individuals learned to become craftspeople and created valuable new products People became traders to profit from their trade The wheel and the sail allowed traders to move goods over long distances Social Changes Economic changes affected the social structure of society Social classes emerged and varied depending on wealth, power, and influence
Characteristics of Civilization Sumer was located in Mesopotamia in modern-day Iraq and is believed to be the first civilization Advanced Cities Center of trade for a larger area Specialized Workers Development of skills in a specific kind of work E.g. artisans, priests, scribes, soldiers, teachers Complex Institutions Institution – long lasting pattern of organization in a community (such as governments) Record Keeping Keep records of history, debts, payments, laws Cuneiform tablets Advanced Technology The wheel, the plow, sailboat, bronze tools and weaponry
Artisan: skilled workers who make goods by hand Institution: a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community Uses of Writing: remember history began when writing was invented!! Document tax collections Historical events Customs Business transactions Calendar Laws/traditions
Map work Honors World: Use pages 24 and 25 Also label the following: Mediterranean Sea Persian Gulf Red Sea Gobi desert Himalayas mountains Use pages 24 and 25 Include, draw in and label the following Nile River Tigris River Euphrates River Yellow River Indus River The Continents & Oceans Shade Egyptian Civilization Mesopotamia Indus Valley Ancient Chinese Civilizations