Licensure Policy Updates Educator Preparation Program State Board of Education Licensure Policy Updates Dr. Rebecca Garland Deputy State Superintendent Joyce Gardner Dr. Andrew Sioberg NCDPI Educator Preparation April 19, 2016
April 7 State Board of Education Meeting Spring planning/work session and monthly meeting was held April 5-7 Agendas and executive summaries are online for viewing under the Meetings tab.
Summary Chart Handout
April State Board Meeting Highly Qualified Requirements Beginning April 1, 2016 and extending to the end of the 2015-2016 school year: Educators licensed in Elementary Education who have passed the North Carolina Foundations of Reading (Pearson Test) shall be deemed “highly qualified.”
April State Board Meeting Highly Qualified Requirements Beginning 2016-2017 All North Carolina initially licensed educators, including Elementary and EC General Curriculum educators, must attempt the NCSBE approved tests for the license area(s) at least once in their first year of teaching.
April State Board Meeting Highly Qualified Requirements Effective July 1, 2016: All teachers who qualify for an initial license shall be considered “highly qualified” if they attempt NCSBE-required exams at least once in their first year of teaching and pass all required exams before or during their second year of teaching.
April State Board Meeting Highly Qualified Requirements Professional educator license holders shall pass all testing requirements for the license area(s) before or during the second year of teaching
April State Board Meeting Licenses Renamed Effective July 1, 2016: 1. The Initial License, (SP1) valid for three years Teachers complete an approved teacher education program, qualify for an initial lateral entry license, or qualify for an initial CTE license. Standard Professional 1 licenses become Initial licenses July 1, 2016. 2. The Continuing License, (SP2) valid for five years, must be renewed every five years.
April State Board Meeting Licensing Reminder: Teacher Candidates are not required to submit a portfolio to be issued an Initial or Continuing License.
April State Board Meeting Licensing Lateral entry teachers must meet licensure requirements within 3 years but no longer have to complete 6 credit hours each year.
Standards 6 & 8 Standards 6 and 8 are no longer standalone standards in the North Carolina Educator Evaluation System (NCEES). Student Growth (teachers) and School Growth (principals) will be used in the determination of effectiveness at the school, district, and state level (no reporting for individual educators).
Beginning Teacher Support All teachers (including lateral entry) with fewer than three years of teaching experience must participate in the Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP). Any additional requirements for initially licensed teachers must be satisfied within the time of the BTSP.
Looking Ahead at the State Level Development of Continuing Program Approval Standards aligned with SBE Strategic Plan Continue collaboration with UNC System, NCICU & DPI to continue graduate, school administrator, and reinstate employer satisfaction surveys (teachers & school administration programs) Reduce redundancy in reporting requirements by cross walking Title II, IHE Performance, IHE Report Cards and CAEP.
DPI Open Access Modules on NC Education PD Preparation for Foundation of Reading Licensure Exam Preparation for the N.C. General Curriculum Mathematics Subtest Understanding Student Behavior in the Classroom