5th Grade Transition to Middle School Parent Meeting Wednesday, February 19, 2014 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Shadowing Experience Date: TBA FSUS 5th graders partnered with a current 6th grader
6th Grade Course Request
Summer Reading ALL incoming 6th graders are required to complete the summer reading assignment that students will receive before leaving for summer break.
Reading/Writing & Math 6th Grade Screening ALL incoming 6th graders are required to participate in a Sixth Grade Readiness Screening. Reading/Writing & Math
The FSUS Secondary class schedule consists of a seven period day
Middle School Pupil Progression The student must have a final passing grade in six out of seven courses at 60% or above. A total of 12 credits MUST be earned by the end of 8th grade in order for a student to be promoted to 9th grade.
Current 6th grade Curriculum includes: MJ Language Arts 1 MJ Comprehensive Science (Earth/Space or Life Science) Social Studies (World Geography) MJ Math 1 MJ Comprehensive PE 1 MJ Exploratory Wheel 1 MJ Exploratory Wheel 2
Options for Core Courses Regular or advanced levels are available for each course.
Enrollment In Intensive Courses Enrollment in Intensive courses is determined by FCAT scores If a student scores a Level 1 or 2 on the 5th grade FCAT reading or math test, they must be enrolled in an intensive course This is required by state statute Intensive courses will take the place of an elective course
All 6th grade students are enrolled in a physical education course
MJ Exploratory Wheel 1 Art Band Chorus Orchestra **Students will attend each of the above electives on a two week rotation during the 1st quarter. Afterwards, on a first-come first-serve basis, they will have some input as to which elective they will remain in for the rest of the school year.
MJ Exploratory Wheel 2 Band Orchestra Reading Spanish **Students will attend one of the above classes for an entire grading period (quarter), then rotate to the next course for the 2nd quarter, and so on.
FLVS Courses Students currently enrolled in an FLVS course: -must have the MJ course completed by June 15th -will be enrolled in the next course sequence -will be in courses with older students
Middle School Sports Anyone interested in playing sports at Florida High MUST have a 2.0 GPA.
Extended Day Enrichment Program