Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers #7
F.Y.I. Sometimes the denominator of an improper fraction will divide into the numerator without a remainder. When this happens, the improper fraction is equivalent to a whole number, not a mixed number. 12 3 ___ = 4 To write a mixed number as an improper fraction, start with the denominator, multiply by the whole number, and add the numerator. Use the same denominator. Remember! Helpful Hint Notice that when you multiply two proper fractions, the product is less than either factor.
I DO (foldable) • 2 __ 5 • 5 1 2 __ __ 2 4 9 • Multiply numerators Multiply denominators Simplify 1 4 __ 2 9 __ • 2 Change to improper fraction Multiply Simplify
WE DO (notes)
I CAN STATEMENT I can interpret and compute products of fractions, and solve word problems involving multiplication of fractions by fractions by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem.
YOU DO (classwork) ADV p.269 #3,5,7 p.277 #1-2,9 p.285 #1,5,7 REG p.269 #3,5 p.277 #1-2, p.285 #1,5