Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Safe in the Shepherd’s Hands John 10:22-42 A promise is only as good as the ability and integrity of the person to keep the promise It is easy to get caught up in making promises beyond your control Jesus has the ability and integrity to keep the promises He makes
The Setting John 10: 22-23 The Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah) starts on the 25th of Kislev in early winter (December) Jesus is in the area of the portico of Solomon in the Temple in Jerusalem - an area He cannot easily leave
The Confrontation John 10:24 The Jews confront Jesus about being the Christ - as if He purposely kept them in suspense They are agitated for the manner in which He has revealed Himself has caused divisions among them
The Rebuke John 10:25-26 Jesus has told others directly that He is the Christ (John 4), but He will not tell them for two reasons First, they are looking for a political Messiah, so they would only have false expectations if He had said so
The Rebuke John 10:25-26 Second, since Matthew 13, He would only speak to them in parables in fulfilling Isaiah 6:9-10 Jesus rebukes their unbelief for He had revealed Himself using Messianic titles & doing Messianic miracles
The Rebuke John 10:25-26 This is and will remain a tension between human responsibility and divine sovereignty Man is responsible for his own sin including unbelief, yet God chooses sinners to become His sheep
The Rebuke John 10:25-26 The inability to believe & ill will toward God go hand in hand - and God resists the proud
Jesus’ Sheep John 10:27-29 As in John 10:1-18, Jesus points out that His sheep hear Him - and listen - pay attention to what He says Jesus knows His sheep - individually and intimately - and still loves them
Jesus’ Sheep John 10:27-29 Jesus’ sheep follow Him - they believe what He declares, they do what He says, they go where He leads Jesus’ sheep are given eternal life - a quality of life belonging to those adopted into God’s family
Security for His Sheep John 10:29 Jesus’ promise is in the strongest possible terms - they are given eternal life and they shall never perish Jesus can guarantee this because He is the Creator with authority over His creation - Colossians 1:15-17
Security for His Sheep John 10:29 Jesus can guarantee this because the Father is greater than all and no one can take you away from Him Romans 8:38-39 - “no one” includes every possible creature or power
Security for His Sheep John 10:29 The nature of salvation precludes losing it - John 6:39, Jesus loses none the Father gives Him! Salvation could be lost if it was dependent on you, but man is unrighteous and does not seek God on his own
Security for His Sheep John 10:29 Salvation is the work of Godhead who convicts, draws, regenerates and seals as He wills - John 1:12-13 Many claim to be Christians, but they do not hear and follow Christ & He does not know them (Mt. 7:21-23)
Jesus’ Declaration John 10:30 Jesus the Father are different persons, but of unified essence - Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3
Their Response John 10:31 They picked up stones to stone Him as they had done previously (John 8:59)
Jesus’ Question John 10:32 Jesus points back to His good works as proof of His claim, so which of these was a cause for stoning
Their Accusation John 10:33 They ignored His miracles and considered Him to be just a man making blasphemous claims of deity
Jesus’ Defense by His Person & Purpose John 10:34-36 Jesus cites Psalm 82:6 in which the judges of Israel represented God in the theocracy - but will be judged too God called them “gods” because they received His word and represented Him Jesus also received God’s word, was sanctified and sent by Him, and represented Him - a higher position
Jesus’ Defense by His Works John 10:37-38 Jesus points to His miracles are the proof of His claims, and He invites them to believe
Their Response John 10:39 They attempt to seize Him for trial instead of immediate stoning, but Jesus eludes them
The Response of Others John 10:40-42 Jesus goes to Bethany, beyond the Jordan (~ 50 miles NE) where many came affirming John’s testimony John 1:29-30, 34; 3:24-36
The Response of Others John 10:40-42 Jesus’ sheep hear and follow Him, and Jesus knows them. They are safe in the shepherd’s hands
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ