A study of The Life of our Lord Jesus Christ A Harmony of the Gospels
Gospel of John Author: John, the apostle (Matthew 4:21), son of Zebedee, brother of James. “Sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17) Fisherman by trade. Son of Zebedee and brother of James. Likely “well off” as they owned their own boat and had hired servants. Mark 1:19-20 Part of inner circle with Peter and James. Challenged by humility. Mark 10:35-45
Gospel of John Theme/Purpose: To prove the deity of Jesus Christ. John 20:30-31, “… these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing, you may have life in His name.” Emphasis on Jesus’ “signs” He provides the evidence and call for the meaning. (6:2, 14, 26; 7:31; 12:18) Thus, no surprise John would use the word “faith” or “belief” so frequently … (nearly 100 times). (4:42; 10:37-38; 14:1ff; 17:20-21)
Gospel of John Unique characteristics: No genealogy – rather goes back to the true origin of Jesus. No parables – (John 10?) Emphasis that Christ came to show us the Father. John 1:14; 12:45; 14:9 Focus on a more personal and intimate knowledge of Jesus: The seven “I am …” statements. … the "bread of life" (6:33-35). … the "light of the world" (8:12; 9:5; 12:35-36, 46). … the "door of the sheepfold" (10:1, 7). … the "good Shepherd" (10: 11, 14). … the "resurrection and the life" (11:25-26). … "the way, the truth, and the life" (14:6). … "the true vine" (15:1-8).
Only found in John … John’s prologue (1:1-18) John’s witness of Jesus and the first miracle (1:19-2:11) The Samaritan women at the well (4:5-45) Discourse on the “bread of life” (6:22-71) Woman “caught in adultery” (8:1-11) Healing the man born blind (9:1-41)
Only found in John … “The Good Shepherd” (10:1-18) Raising of Lazarus (11:1-54) Washing the disciples feet (13:1-20) Jesus’ discourse with the apostles(chapters 14-16) Jesus prayer (17:1-26)
What’s in each Gospel Account Consider the following chart: What’s in each Gospel Account The Gospels Matthew Mark Luke John Unique 42% 7% 59% 92% In common 58% 93% 41% 8%
summary Matthew: written to __________ to show __________. Mark: written to __________ to show __________. Luke: written to __________ to show __________. John: written to __________ to show __________. Matthew – to Jews to show Jesus is the King of prophecy Mark – to Gentiles to show Jesus as both the servant of man as well as the Son Of God Luke – to Greeks to show the both the divinity and the humanity and compassion of Jesus John – to Christians to establish faith in the Son of God