Essentials to Creating an Award Winning Leadership Program Jack Elliot
Awareness Interaction Mastery College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas A&M Forest Service, Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory & Prairie View A&M University Research Based translated into turned into demonstrated by Rubric of Essential Learnings 3 Cornerstones 15 Precepts Competencies Identify and Use Resources Action Awareness Interaction Mastery Validated by Frontline Managers, HR Professionals & Professional Educators Relationships Develop Others Leadership Vision Conceptualize Ideas “Influence” Character Practice Self-Discipline Awareness Acquire New Knowledge Continuous Improvement Physical Growth Practice Healthy Eating Habits Personal Social Growth Demonstrate Ethics Professional Growth “Positive Evolution of the Whole Person” Think Critically and Creatively Mental Growth Emotional Growth Live a Compassionate and Selfless Life Cultural Growth Nurture a Cultural Belief System Make Effective Business Presentations Professional Career Demonstrate Problem-Solving Skills Communications Make Ethical Decisions “Continuously Demonstrating Qualities, Attributes and Skills for Success” Decision Making Embrace Emerging Technology Validated by the University of Illinois Flexibility/Adaptability Experiments and Takes Risks
15 Emerging Results Precepts Awareness Interaction Mastery College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas A&M Forest Service, Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory & Prairie View A&M University Leadership Development Continuum Emerging Results Leadership Action Relationships Vision Character Awareness Continuous Improvement Personal Physical Growth Social Growth Personal Growth Mental Growth Emotional Growth Cultural Growth Professional Career Communications Decision Making Flexibility/ Adaptability 15 Precepts Awareness Interaction Mastery Time and Experiences
Skills and Personality Inventories Participants complete several personality, problem solving, and innovation assessments.
Leadership Plan According to individual goals and vision, participants develop and implement a professional and personal leadership plan.
Advocacy Presentations Each group presentation includes participants from the same component of AgriLife. Presenters work closely with their directors, heads, or supervisors to deliver a presentation illustrating aspects of their profession and component’s mission.
Shadowing Experiences Opportunity to experience direct exposure to an AgriLife unit other than their own. Shadow a non-participant TAMU professional or administrative positions.
Capstone Leadership Project Teams are assigned a group leadership project allowing individuals opportunities to use knowledge gained through the program.
Two year effort: Cohort IV Induction Dinner with previous cohorts: Campus February 9, 2016 Setting the Course: Campus April 18-21, 2016 Leadership Cornerstones: Stephenville September 26-29, 2016 Leadership Cornerstones: Campus January 9, 11-13, 2017 Leadership Cornerstones: Austin March 27-30, 2017 Leadership Cornerstones: Corpus Christi August 14-17, 2017 Leadership in Action: Prairie View A&M October 9-12, 2017 Cohort IV Graduation and Cohort V Induction Dinner with previous cohorts: Campus February 6, 2018 Cohort IV optional DC trip: March TBD, 2018