KEK IR status S.Tanaka KEK
Hightlight on IR Beam optics: No major change Beam Pipe design: Main subject Today's IR talk IR assembly: Main subject recently Discuss on next session Cooling: preparation stage Services: depend on assembly and design of IR
Beam pipe & shield design Meetings PXD meeting IR Technical IR optics IR assembly SVD mecha BG simulation PXD-DAQ superKEKB検討会 SVD IR region Correlation BG simulation Beam optics Company Beam pipe & shield design IP straight section Crotch part near IP Crotch part near QCS IP Cooling Joint QCS group PXD structure: MPI SVD structure: HEPHY 2010/7/7 2010/9/30
Beam pipe & shield design Meetings PXD meeting IR Technical IR optics IR assembly SVD mechanical BG simulation PXD-DAQ superKEKB検討会 SVD IP chamber production BG simulation Beam optics Company Beam pipe & shield design IP straight section Crotch part near IP Crotch part near QCS IP Cooling Joint QCS group PXD structure: MPI SVD structure: HEPHY 2010/7/7 2010/9/30
Current beam pipe design Pipes for the incoming beam are straight. Their cross section become smaller near the IP. The minimum distance of the duct wall from the beam stay clear is 2 mm. Tip scattering (unknown) *10 Collimation (9mmf) Sawtooth Structure design HOM can escape through the pipes for the outgoing beam. Shows better HOM characteristics than design #1 K. Kanazawa 26.05.2018
Beam pipe Production schedule conceptual design Production Assembly 20100930 Tanaka
Current Space assignment near IP PXD requirement 20100930 Tanaka
Current Space assignment near IP The direction of cooling pipe at manifold has been changed The cooling manifold is sitting on crotch part. 20100930 Tanaka
Cooling pipe connection on IP chamber 20100930 Tanaka
Issues: Brush wellman prefer SVD2 production procedure SVD2 design Our Current design (Cooling manifold sit on crotch part) Productin cost is estimated factor 5 larger than SVD2(900万円) 20100915 20100930 Tanaka Kohriki 10
IP chamber production scheme(SVD2) Reviewing IP-chamber assembly 20100930 20100915 Tanaka Kohriki 11
Inner Be tube hight0.5mm、width0.7mm 20100930 20100915 Tanaka Kohriki 12
Subassembly:Ta Backward tube Need modification of inner size (Inner Be tubeと現物合わせ?) High temp. braze 20100915 20100930 Tanaka Kohriki 13
Subassembly:Ta Forward tube High temp. braze Need modification of inner size (Inner Be tubeと現物合わせ?) 20100915 20100930 Tanaka Kohriki 14
Subassembly:Inner Be and Ta tubes Low temp. braze Low temp. braze 20100915 20100930 Tanaka Kohriki 15
Final-assembly 2 EBW ⅣはEBW Ⅲまでの熱歪みによる長さの変化に影響を受けにくい構造にした? Point 3,4 joints are considered to absorb the thermal deformation stress. 3 4 1 Next IP production process is quite different with SVD2, so we should feed back how to make it. 6 4 3 5 1 2 20100915 20100930 Tanaka Kohriki 16
Beam pipe & shield design Meetings PXD meeting IR Technical IR optics IR assembly SVD mechanical BG simulation PXD-DAQ superKEKB検討会 SVD Beam pipe(crotch) production BG simulation Beam optics Company Beam pipe & shield design IP straight section Crotch part near IP Crotch part near QCS IP Cooling Joint QCS group PXD structure: MPI SVD structure: HEPHY 2010/7/7 2010/9/30
Crotch part design Current base line is similar with SVD2 case. Cooling jacket is difficult to absorb thermal stress on production. 2010/9/30
Beam pipe & shield design Meetings PXD meeting IR Technical IR optics IR assembly SVD mecha BG simulation PXD-DAQ superKEKB検討会 SVD SR beam test BG simulation Beam optics Company Beam pipe & shield design IP straight section Crotch part near IP Crotch part near QCS IP Cooling Joint QCS group PXD structure: MPI SVD structure: HEPHY 2010/7/7 2010/9/30
Beam test SR effect estimation Tip scattering (unknown) Sawtooth Structure design
Beam test Setup Test piece : Ta with Au plating Next April? ADC, counter APD+Amp. readout 1mm Scinti.(LYSO) 5 keV X-ray Horizontal stage Be window Setup:The angular dependence can measure by the combination of Horizontal stage and the inclined stage
summary The conceptual beam pipe design has been finished. We start discussing how to produce it. We have always took care about PXD services and SVD structure design which satisfy space allocation. The detailed structures (thickness of crotch part, sawtooth etc.) will decided by the test beam or simulation Tanaka SVD2 beam pipe(spare)