31-6737 Jesus loves me RBHeys‘UvRslaj;
1-RBHeys‘UvRslaj;´Nas; Km<Ir>>>R)ab;[dwgCak;c,as; RBHCam©as;énekµgTaMgLay vafVayxøÜnenaHminEdlsþay . 1. Jesus loves me ! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak but He is strong.
RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. R-RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KW RTg;Rslaj;Nas; RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! The Bible tells me so .
2-RBHeys‘UvRslaj;drab>> 2. Jesus loves me 2-RBHeys‘UvRslaj;drab>> 2.Jesus loves me! He who died eTaHebImancitþeBjeday)ab Heaven’s gate to open wide. Kg;EtRTg;seRgÁaHekµgkµag He will wash away my sin. edayRTg;suKtelIeQIqáag Let His little child come for Thee.
RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. R-RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KW RTg;Rslaj;Nas; RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! The Bible tells me so .
3-RBHeys‘UvRslaj;esµaHRtg; Jesus, take this heart of mine , sMGatkUn[\tesAhµg Make it pure and wholly Thine; RTg;ebIkTVarsßansYK’cMh>> On the cross you died for me, [kUncUledaymancitþGr. I will try to live for Thee.
RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. R-RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KW RTg;Rslaj;Nas; RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! The Bible tells me so .
4-RBHeys‘UvRslaj;Cab;enA 4. Jesus loves me 4-RBHeys‘UvRslaj;Cab;enA 4. Jesus loves me! This I know, CamYy´Cadrab>>eTA For the Bible tells me so; ´sUmfVayCIvit>>dl;RTg; Little ones to Him belong, enAbMerI>>Cab;CayUrlg; . They are weak but He is strong
RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. R-RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KW RTg;Rslaj;Nas; RBHeys‘UvRslaj; KmI<r>> sMEdg>>ya:gc,as;. Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! Yes Jesus loves me ! The Bible tells me so .