Classroom procedures and rules
Entering/Bell Schedule Before the bell rings, have a seat, take out any materials for the period, and be ready to go! You may talk quietly with your neighbors, but avoid congregating around one person’s desk or any other area. 1st period: 7:10 -7:50 3rd period: 8:45 - 9:25 5th period: 10:15-10:54 7th period: 11:43 – 12:22 8th period: 12:27 – 1:06 Never pack up early.
Tardy Policy Please arrive to class before the bell rings. Tardy = you arriving after the bell rings (one second or 3 minutes…you’re late). 3 tardies = 1 absence If you arrive more than 20 minutes late, you will be marked absent. Take a seat, and follow same procedure for entering the classroom. If you can figure out what is happening in class, great. Otherwise, wait for teacher to address you. Don’t ask your neighbors…it’s disruptive. If you miss class due to lateness to school (again, your absence must be legal for work to be accepted), find teacher and hand in work or find out what was missed (which you may also find on the website).
Leaving the room or outside of the classroom Bathroom/Locker: sign out and take the pass (note the bathroom/locker policy) Nurse or anywhere else: Ask for a pass You should not be walking around the building during our class or any other class without a pass. You are not to hang out in the hallways/stairwells during your frees. Do not open the doors to the outside for ANYONE. This is for safety purposes.
Assignments Right board, right side (look for grade and assignments). Also use website Pass papers forward when asked NEVER LEAVE ANYTHING ON DESK…possibility it’ll get lost. MISSED WORK: Work is only checked if you were legally absent from class. If you come to class without homework, please don’t act like you have it when you clearly don’t. Just be honest. Bring materials (binder, HW, assignments, books, etc.) every day. If you forget anything, please do your best to borrow things before it is noticed and not from the teacher.
Miscellaneous things… Throw things away at the end of the period to avoid disrupting the class Tissues: Right hand corner of desk. Take as needed. Moving desks/chairs (when doing group work): Pick up the chair and desk separately. When 25 of you all move desks at once without doing this, it’s very noisy. Pencil sharpener: PEN IS PREFERRED ON ALL ASSIGNMENTS. However, there will be times when pencils are needed, and the sharpener is located on the bookshelf next to desk. Just wait to sharpen the pencil if someone is talking. Avoid calling out answers/Raise your hand.
Miscellaneous (continued) If and when you finish your work in class, please sit quietly. You may have time to work on other assignments, but please do so quietly as well. Avoid shuffling through papers. Whoever is closest to door is in charge of opening the door (or teacher will open). Talking: quietly before class, when you are called on, or when discussing work with partners Cheating/plagiarism: You will get a zero and so will the person you’ve copied (tests, quizzes, HWs, etc.). If you plagiarize, it’s a zero and parents will be notified. YOU WILL NOT GET ANY CHANCE TO MAKE UP THIS WORK. Gum/food/drinks: Don’t snap your gum or pop bubbles. Food and drinks are not allowed according to handbook…there are exceptions (water bottles and the like) Do not sit on teachers’ chairs or touch things on the desks, don’t use the computer without asking, stay off the heater, don’t open/close the window without asking, don’t touch the Smart Board unless permitted, filing cabinets are off-limits
Additional info No hoods are to be worn in class Hats are fine, but you may have to take off at times Don’t put your head down on the desk Keep all legs of chairs and desks on the floor Keep your hands to yourself (is this necessary to say? Yes) Cell phones will be taken away when you are using them without permission. 1st offense: Stays with teacher 2nd offense: Phone is given to administrator and you are written up 3rd offense is handled by administrator again and parent will have to pick up phone Be positive on social media.