Señora Ramirez La Clase de Español SOMERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL Señora Ramirez La Clase de Español
REQUIRED MATERIALS (besides your chrome book) Your textbook (covered) 2. A folder OR binder to keep & file your papers. 3. A one subject notebook or composition book 4. A pencil or a pen of blue or black ink only!
Grading Policy You will be graded using a percentage system where an assignment from those categories will be worth the following amounts.... Tests or Projects - 45% Quizzes - 30% Classroom Contribution - 20% Homework - 5%
TESTS OR PROJECTS: Throughout each marking period, you will be assessed in your developing abilities in the three areas of Interpretive, Interpersonal, & Presentational skills. Assessments will be in the form of tests or projects. QUIZZES: Knowledge of vocabulary and grammar (sentence structure) are building blocks for language learning. Quizzes may include vocabulary, grammatical structures, and culture.
CLASSROOM CONTRIBUTION: Active engagement in each day’s lesson is critical to developing communicative skills in any language. Risk-taking is also a necessary component of successful language learning. You will be given frequent feedback regarding the quality of your engagement throughout the year via a rubric which clearly explains how you are being evaluated. This grade is numerical and is based on the following 8 criteria: Use of Spanish language, Responses when called upon, Volunteering to share & participate, Focus, Punctuality, Group & Paired work, Attitude & Respect, & lastly Preparation.
HOMEWORK: The practice of skills developed in class and the completion of assignments outside of class to most efficiently utilize class time are critical components that lead to success in language learning. Homework assignments are NOT accepted late and are graded per completion. EXTRA HELP: If you need extra help, I am happy to schedule a time to meet with you. Please see me before or after class or email me to make an appointment if you have any questions or concerns. It is my desire that you all are successful in the World Language classroom and I’m looking forward to a productive academic year with each of you!
Attendance When you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to see me about making up any missed assessments. This should be done on your 1st day back in school. If you’re absent on the day of a pre-announced assessment, BUT were present on all prior days, expect to make it up IMMEDIATELY upon your return. If you were sick for 2 or more days leading up to a missed quiz or test, you will receive the equivalent number of days to prepare.
Tardiness Class begins when the bell rings. It is understandable to be late ONCE IN A WHILE, BUT if you anticipate being late, be sure to ask your teacher for a pass before coming to class. If you do not have a pass, you will be marked TARDY! If you are MORE THAN 10 MINUTES LATE, you will be marked ABSENT and there will be a CONSEQUENCE. The 1st time you are tardy I will give you a verbal warning. The 2nd time you are tardy will earn you an immediate 1 minute detention. When the bell rings and everyone else leaves for the next class you will sit & WAIT after class for a minute. If there is a 3rd time, I will call home to let them know that you have been assigned detention with me after school.
Rules/Expectations Our classroom is a community. Every community has rules so that members know what is expected of them, this is turn helps to keep things in order. Here are our community rules... Bring the required materials to class. Be on time for class and ready to work. Follow all Somerville High School rules. Treat others with kindness, courtesy and respect. Listen to the teacher and to others when they are speaking. 5. USE AS MUCH ESPAÑOL AS POSSIBLE!!
Rules/Expectations When rules are broken, there are consequences, depending upon the incident. We’ve already discussed specific consequences for tardiness (Rule # 2). Rules # 1 & 5 have to do with your classroom contribution & will affect that portion of your grade. The following consequences will serve for breaking rules # 3 or 4… The 1st time you break a rule I will give you a verbal warning. The 2nd time you break a rule I will call home & you will be assigned detention with me after school. If there is a 3rd time, I will write a referral & submit it to the appropriate administrator.
You must have permission to use your cell or bring food or drink to the classroom.
School Security Drill Types
I am very excited to work with you all this year I am very excited to work with you all this year! I know that if we work together it can be a successful year for all!