English 1-2 Ms. Peterson and Ms. Turner Classroom procedures English 1-2 Ms. Peterson and Ms. Turner
The purpose of this presentation is to take the guesswork out of your class time in English 1-2. Please take out a piece of paper and a pen for notes. You will be tested.
Entrance: 1. Greet your teachers. 2. Go directly to your desk. 3 Entrance: 1. Greet your teachers. 2. Go directly to your desk. 3. Take out your planner and a pen. 4. Hang your backpack on the back of the chair. 5. Begin copying the LEARNING TARGET to your planner.
Supplies: 1. You will need your planner every day Supplies: 1. You will need your planner every day. -If you do not have it, we will call home. 2. You will need paper and a BLUE or BLACK pen. -If you do not have it, we will call home.
Attention: Notice when a teacher begins the countdown 3-2-1 Attention: Notice when a teacher begins the countdown 3-2-1. This is the signal for quiet. Focus your attention on the teacher. Participation: Raise your hand.
If You are Tardy: Go immediately to the tardy binder on the counter If You are Tardy: Go immediately to the tardy binder on the counter. Fill out the information. 3 tardies = lunch detention
If You are Absent: When you return to school, proceed through class as normal. At the end of class, go to the file cabinet marked MISSED WORK and pick up what you have missed. If you are absent more than one day, email a teacher for the work if possible.
If You Need a Pencil Sharpener: You are required to use a pen in English class for 99% of assignments. During testing, we will provide a pencil sharpener.
Restroom: You may not use the restroom or get water during the first 15 minutes nor the last 15 minutes of class. If you raise your hand at the appropriate time and get teacher permission, you will sign out in the restroom log. After you have visited the restroom 3x in one term, you may not go again without a medical excuse from a doctor.
Exit: Remain in your seat until the bell rings Exit: Remain in your seat until the bell rings. If you have late work, turn it in on the way out AFTER the bell rings. There is a RED basket for late work on the bookshelf.