Procedures of the Class


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Presentation transcript:

Procedures of the Class Spanish Mrs. Baxter

Entering Class: Come into class quietly and calmly. Take your seat in your ASSIGNED SPOT. If you are here early, feel free to sharpen your pencil, start on bellringer, etc. Please do NOT crowd my door! All students MUST be in their spot by the time Mrs. Baxter gets to her desk with their homework & bellringer sheet out.

Bell Ringers Start on it immediately! Do not make me TELL YOU to get it out! If this is a habit, you’ll lose participation! Also, pull out your Homework! Let me take attendance ASAP. It’s crucial that I get it in to the main office. If you have questions, let me get attendance and then I am available for any questions.

What To Do During Teacher Instruction: Have out all materials for note-taking – (Paper, Pens, Notebook). Remain quiet and calm during teacher instruction. Make sure to write down all notes (You will receive a grade later on for your notes). If you have a question, feel free to raise your hand at anytime, wait to be called on, and ask away. Please no blurting out, getting up to throw paper away, or talking with a friend. If you need to sharpen your pencil…hold up your pencil and I will provide you a fresh sharpened pencil. If you have an “EMERGENCY” or something going on where you can’t continue your notes for example running out of paper, etc. please raise your hand to motion me over and I will provide you with your needed resources.

Leaving Class When Bell Rings: Complete all “Ending Assignments” before the bell rings. Prevent taking it home! Wait until I give the “Adios/Hasta luego” -This is your signal to leave, the bell does not dismiss you. DO NOT GET UP OUT OF YOUR SEATS BEFORE I GIVE THIS SIGNAL OR THE WHOLE CLASS WILL STAY LATE. 3.Remember your exit slip IS YOUR HOMEWORK! Have it ready tomorrow!

Transitioning Between Activities: Listen to all instructions given. Ask if you are confused. I appreciate your willingness to get it right. Keep in mind the time limit. I WILL ALWAYS GIVE TIME LIMITS. If you are goofing and we are waiting on you…I’m taking participation. 4. Do not use this time to socialize, goof off, check your phone, or talk with a friend.

When My Phone Rings: EVERYONE will become quiet so I can hear if the phone is really ringing. Remain extremely quiet so I can answer what is needed of me to get off the phone quickly for you guys. If you have work in front of you, continue your work. If you are waiting on me…look over your notes of what you just previously wrote, or just sit and remain quiet. IF YOU ARE LOUD OR RUDE, YOU WILL STAY AFTER CLASS AFTER THE BELL HAS RUNG.


Fire Alarm Sounds or Evacuation: 1. QUICKLY grab any materials you want to take outside (purse, phone, back pack, etc.) -Do not use this time to wait for your friends, talk, or do any duties in the class. 2. Exit and make your way out to your right out the side doors. Head back to the FAR parking lot. 3. Stay with class so I can check off that everyone is here. IF I CAN’T FIND YOU OUTSIDE, THERE WILL BE A CONSEQUENCE!

Needing to leave class/bathroom: Raise your hand, and simply ask. -DO NOT ASK DURING INSTRUCTION TIME. I WILL SAY NO AND PROBABLY NOT LET YOU GO LATER ON! 2. If I give you permission, I will check you off, sign out, and grab the hall pass. 3. Exit quietly, do your business, and return as quickly as possible. IF YOU ARE ABUSING THIS TIME, I WILL NOT GRANT YOU ANYMORE PASSES!

Listening to the Intercom: As soon as the intercom sounds, everyone needs to be as quiet as possible. Just because it doesn’t concern you…doesn’t mean there aren’t people in the class who need to hear it! 2. Continue working on your bell ringer, assignment, or just remain quiet in your seat if you have no work in front of you. IF I CAN’T HEAR…THE WHOLE CLASS WILL STAY AFTER IN THEIR SPOTS!

Needing to receive or dispose of materials: Only do this task if the teacher IS NOT teaching at this moment. Remain in seat or receive permission if needing something during teacher instruction time. 2. Do your immediate task (getting a new pencil, throwing away paper, etc.) 3. Return to your seat promptly. DO NOT TRAVEL AROUND THE ROOM TO SOCIALIZE!

Turning in Homework: Once entering class, come in and take out your bell ringer and homework and lay it on your desk. -If you have late work to turn in, do not bring it to me…set it on your desk with the other work and let me know it’s late. - I will come around and give you a grade for your homework being completed.

Missing Work: Feel free to ask me during bell ringer time about any work you missed in the previous days. I will then direct you to the materials. For notes, you will want to consult a friend with good hand writing or my binder. Make sure to return ALL borrowed documents! 3. For worksheets, I will have worksheets with your name on them. They are in the class bin. -If you need a certain paper, please write your name on the board with the paper and I will put it into the folder for you the next day.

Concerns/Comments/General Questions: If there is ever a time where you feel you need to express concern, make a comment like, “You are moving too fast or too slow”, etc. or you just have a general question…… -Feel free to leave any of these in my “Comment Box” located at the front of class. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT YOUR NAME! I will work on all comments and answer all general questions to the class as a whole 

Cell Phone Policy: Students, I AM TIRED OF THE PHONES! They are a distraction! I have come to see that they are more a pest than a good tool for the classroom. This trimester I want all phones put away and remained away during my classtime. There will be times I allow you to use them WITH PERMISSION; otherwise, they are to remain in your pockets, backpacks, etc. Not doing so will result in your phone being taken away. 1st offense: kept with me all day. 2nd offense: taken to the office & referral.

All About Teams & Groups…

Teams! This trimester you will be setting with teams. These teams will represent Spanish Speaking Countries. You will need to set in YOUR seat, with YOUR team everyday. Failure to do so will result in loss of participation & referral. We will most likely change teams (once) so you’ll get the opportunity to be on two teams this trimester.

It’s Competitive! With your team, you will try to gain the most points. Points can be given & taken away. I will keep track of the points on my clipboard as well as on a sheet on the bulletin for students to see. The points do NOT affect your personal grade. You will not be punished for what others do but it can & will affect your points to win rewards.

Reward?!?! Homework Passes Homework Points Gather By Door Passes Head Out of Class Early Candy And More…

How do we “win” points? High participation High engagement Helping out team-mates Leaving area cleaned Winning class competition

How do we “lose” points? Low Participation Being Lazy Goofing Off Talking When You’re Not Suppose To Leaving Area Messy Not completing Tasks

Why Teams? Learning a language consistely involves having others be apart of your learning experience. It involves interaction & communication. It involves helping others & picking each other up.

Daily Participation – Your Grade Everyone will receive a daily participation grade. This is YOUR grade. This is decided on by your attendance, your participation, & behavior. This can bring the team down with points but losing points doesn’t decide participation.

Be Involved! Celebrate & learn of your country that you are assigned to. Buy into being apart of your country assignment. Learn of the cultural & take pride in it. Develop alliances!