Thomas Edison: Inventor By Ms. Brandon July 2013
Who is Thomas Edison? Famous inventor Born in Ohio in 1847 Very curious Loved to read and do science experiments Home schooled
Where Did He Live? Menlo Park New Jersey Built first research laboratory
Why Is He Famous? Most famous invention: electric light bulb
Other Inventions Other inventions: Telegraph machine Phonograph Movie camera Type of copy machine
Timeline of His Life Born in 1847 Invented phonograph in 1877 Invented light bulb in 1879 Died in 1931 Born 1847 Phonograph 1877 Light bulb 1879 Movie Camera 1893 Died 1931
Reason for the Invention Improved lighting Able to work longer because of available light
How did Invention Change Lives? Light in homes after dark without candles More efficient Provides better light in workplace Longer hours of work possible Still important today
Works Cited Pebble-Go World Book for Kids Wikipedia for Images