Astronomy Club 2013 Stars – Part 1
Stellar Basics: How colors and spectral types tell us surface temperatures How distance is measured How brightness is determined How stars are classified into groups by temperatures and luminosities How stars move Why are binary stars important Importance of Variable Stars
Stellar Basics: Question: What do you think exists in the space between the objects we see in the sky? Question: What is a Star? Answer: Glowing ball of gas. Mostly Hydrogen & Helium Question: How many atoms are there per cm3 in space? Answer: Number of atoms in 1cc of air at sea level= 10 million trillion The void between stars: 1 atom per cm3 The void between galaxies: 1 atom per m3 Question: What part of the star tells us about its structure? Answer: Its surface. What do we call that surface (remember our talk on the Sun)? Answer: Photosphere. Can we see inside the star? Answer: No. Thus the Photosphere gives is what we know about the star.
Winter Constellations: Orion, Pleiades, Taurus The Bull Activity: Get in your groups with your binders Go outside & find these three constellations In each constellation discuss: Which stars are the closest? Are all the stars in each constellation at the same distance? Which star is the brightest? What colors do you see?
Stellar Distances
Stars: How far away are they? Question: How do you think distances to stars can be measured? Process of Astrometry: Astronomic Measuring (BRIEF has tools for you to do this for science experiments)
Stellar Distances: Two things to remember: 1 parsec= 3.26LY To find distance in parsecs, divide the parallax by 1: D=1/p So what? Let’s apply this!
Stellar Distances: Apply what you know How far away is Proxima Centauri? Parallax is 0.77233”…….Now what? Use the formula: D=1/p What is the distance in parsecs? How many light years away is it?
Stellar Parallax from Hipparcos: Name Parallax Parsecs Light Years Apply what you know Get into your teams Orion & Pleiades: Are the stars the same distance? Using what you know about Parallax, what can you tell the class about Orion and the Pleiades? Stellar Parallax from Hipparcos: Name Parallax Parsecs Light Years Betelgeuse: 0.00763 131.06pc 427LY Bellatrix: 0.01342 74.52pc 242.9LY Saiph: 0.01221 81.90pc 267LY Rigel: 0.00422 236.97pc 772.51LY Pieione: 0.00842 118.76pc 387.17LY Alcyone: 0.00887 112.74pc 367.53LY Atlas: 0.00857 116.69pc 380.4LY Merope: 0.00908 110.13pc 359.02LY Electra: 0.00880 113.63pc 370.45LY Taygeta: 0.00875 114.28pc 372.57LY Thinking about Orion: Which star did you say was the brightest? Is this star the closest? If not, what does this tell you?