Cyber safety & SOCIAL Media for kids
RESULTS FROM A RECENT STUDY UNISA professor Deon Tustin Cell phone addiction is rife among teenagers Resulting in stunted emotional and educational growth And withdrawal symptoms similar to those experienced in substance abuse if the phone is taken away. “The results found that cell phones have a negative impact on the teenager’s emotional state, their performance in school and their interpersonal relations.”
RESULTS FROM A RECENT STUDY “We see pupils procrastinating when it is time to do their homework and having difficulty falling asleep because they are up, using their cell phones too late. “Pupils are exposed to pornography and we have heard of incidents where pupils are taking nude pictures or videos and telling their peers they have “to pay to see”.
SOME FRIGHTENING STATS 80% said they were highly dependent on their cellphones; 70% said they checked their phone as soon as they woke up; 60% said they could not live without their cellphones; 55% said they used their cellphones in the bathroom and during meals (this increases the potential transfer of bacteria and can pose a health risk); 78,5% felt nervous or anxious when they could not find their phones; 20% said they had stolen money for airtime or data; and 10% said they have used their cellphones to send nude images of themselves.
Is your child ready for a cell phone? Consider whether he or she is. . . Able to understand the cost of providing and using a phone and wiling to stay within the usage limits you set. Ready to take good care of a phone (i.e., isn’t likely to lose or break it). Able to manage his or her time and not use the phone for socializing or entertainment when there is schoolwork to be done. Willing to answer when you call and call you when it’s time to check in.
Is your child ready for a cell phone? Consider whether he or she is. . . Willing to talk with you about the apps on his or her phone and how they’re being used. Able to use the phone politely, in a way that respects the feelings of the people in the room or at the other end of the conversation. Willing to only share his or her location with close real- life friends and family. Ready to accept the family cell phone rules.
Self-regulation Self-regulation needs to be taught to younger children: Schedule time for gaming/surfing etc. Timers Everyone unplugs at 8pm Keep devices out of the bedroom Computers in public space - Keep the lines of communication open… JUST a word on Gaming….
The Spiderman Rule Applies to parents AND children
JUST a word on Gaming….
Cyber rules
The risks Online Predators Cyber bullying
Thank you!