SAND AID Starting monday TOP SECRET
Band Aid + Sandringham = Sand Aid! Each department sings 1 line As many staff as possible to sing last part Sandpit, lunchtime, slot Record 16, 17, 18th Big record not agreed yet May spill over As many staff as possible per department (ALL IF YOU CAN 😃) TOP SECRET
Day 1 - 16th Leadership 1:20 It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid Computing 1:25 At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade Dance 1:30 And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy Tech 1:35 Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time Drama 1:40 But say a prayer, and pray for the other ones Eco + Business 1:45 At Christmas time, it's hard but while you’re having fun English 1:50 There’s a world outside your window, and it’s a world of dread and fear TOP SECRET
Day 2 - 17th Geography 1:20 Where a kiss of love can kill you History 1:25 And there’s death in every tear MFL 1:30 And the Christmas bells that ring there, are the clanging chimes of doom Maths 1:35 Well, tonight we’re reaching out and touching you Music 1:40 Bring peace and joy this Christmas to Sand-ring-ham Media Studies 1:45 A song of hope where there’s no hope tonight, ooh ooh ooh ooh PE 1:50 Why is comfort to be feared, why is to touch to be scared? TOP SECRET
Day 3 - 18th Science 1:20 How can they know it’s Christmas time at all? Psychology/PRE 1:25 Here’s to you- Art 1:30 Raise a glass to everyone Cover supervisors/Student Services/Finance 1:35 Here’s to them- Teaching Assistant Team 1:40 And all their years to come Sandpit/Non-teaching teams 1:45 Can they know it’s Christmas time at all?- TOP SECRET
We look forward to seeing you soon! Have fun! We look forward to seeing you soon! TOP SECRET