Day for Chairpersons GOVERNANCE
Boards of Management. 8 Members-4 Trustee Nominees, 2 Parent Nominees, 2 Teacher Nominees. All appointed by CEIST. Chairperson appointed by CEIST Only CEIST can dissolve Board.
Responsibilities (not exhaustive) Ethos & upholding Characteristic Spirit. Financial Responsibilities. Responsibilities in relation to Property. Employment Responsibilities. Policy Formation. Other Responsibilities.
Financial Responsibilities. Schools are not profit making organisations. The primary role of schools is to provide the best possible educational experience for its students. BUT: If a school ceases to be viable……………. If Principal is preoccupied with money worries……..
Financial Responsibilities: BoM is ultimately responsible for Financial Management of school & for ensuring that school remains viable.
Financial Responsibilities cont… Set up Finance Sub-committee & ensure it meets prior to each Board meeting and that it is fully informed using SAGE Reports & comparisons with Budget & One Year Past. Ensure that CEIST Finance Sub-Committee Report is submitted to CEIST having been approved by FSC & BoM asap after each Finance Sub-committee meeting. Ensure that Annual Forward Budget is approved and submitted to CEIST by 31st May each year. Ensure that Annual Accounts are prepared, approved and submitted to CEIST by 1st December each year.
Viability-things to watch out for: Falling Numbers. Rising expenditure. Unexpected happenings. Significant Variances from Budget and\or One Year Past. Negative or low Bottom Line on FSC Report-This is very date dependant. High level of Creditors. Use of Ring Fenced Monies for other purposes. Overdrawn bank position.
School Name: Meán Scoil Mhuire, Longford BOM Current a\c No: 13365922 BOM Current a\c No: 13365922 After 30th September 2016 Bank Reconciliation Opening Balance (Closing Balance 31st August 2016) €12,374.48 Less Payments.(September) €27,866.48 Plus Receipts.(September) €33,583.00 Closing Balance (30th September) €18,091.00 TAS/Bank Reconciliation Closing Bank Statement Balance (30th September) €34,915.94 Plus Payments Received not yet lodged. €0000.00 Less Chques written not yet cashed. €16,824.94 Balance as per TAS Cashbook Summary Report (30thSeptember)-Must match Closing Balance above. Plus Closing Balances of All Other Accounts €80,916.65 Total Balance of ALL School Accounts €99,007.65
To Obtain the Balance of Actual School Funds Available Deduct Any payments made since month end-30th September €9,402.35 Total of invoices received not yet paid (Creditors) €1,778.77 Estimate of large expenses due but no invoice yet received (e.g. Energy & Insurance Bills) €5,500.00 PAYE/PRSI Payment Due to Revenue €840.00 VAT/RCT Due to Revenue €30.00 Monies received ringfenced for specific items (e.g. Study, Tours, Musical & TY) €63,000.00 DES Grants received to be ringfenced for particular item (e.g. DCG Grant) €0 Building Project Account - Balance of monies not yet paid from Grant Received €0 €80,551.00 Add Monies received since end of Month-30th September 0.00 Plus Monies due not yet received (e.g. Exam Aid, Supervision & Substitution) Balance of Available School Funds €18,456.53 Next Grants Due On: ________________ Amount Due: €______________________
Financial Responsibilities cont… Approval must be obtained from CEIST in advance for: Budgeting for a deficit. (E>I). Loans from Bank\Other Financial or any other source. Leasing or Hire Purchase Agreements. Capital Expenditure-Appendix V.(Agreed limits). Applications for funding including Summer Works Schemes-See Circular 0055/2015.
Submissions to CEIST. The following must be submitted to CEIST. Finance Sub-Committee Report. By 31st May-Annual Forward Budget approved by Board. By 1st December-Annual Accounts approved by Board. Appendix V in respect of any Capital Expenditure above agreed limits.
Property Responsibilities. Approval must be obtained from CEIST in advance for: All Capital Projects- Summer Works Schemes. Emergency Works. Extensions. Changes to School Buildings. Improvement to School Buildings. Replacement of School Buildings. Additions to School Buildings In addition all external use of school facilities must be approved by Board. Insurance in place.
Board as Employer. The Board of Management appoints Principal & Deputy Principal on the advice\recommendation of a Selection Committee set up by the Board of Management. (2 BoM Nominees, 2 Trustee Nominees & Independent Assessor). The Board of Management appoints full-time members of the teaching staff on the advice\recommendation of a Selection Committee set up by the Board of Management. ( 1 BoM Nominee, 1 Trustee Nominee & Independent Assessor).
Board as Employer cont… Appointments to Posts of Responsibility shall be made by the Board in accordance with the terms of the relevant DES Circulars. The Board shall approve the appointments of all members of the non-teaching staff recommended by the Principal. (Selection Committee should conduct process). In the event of redeployment the Board will decide on areas where surplus staff exists in accordance with the curricular needs of the school. The Board of Management is responsible for ensuring that contracts are in place for all employees.
Policy Formation. The Board of Management is responsible for all policy formation. Implementation of policies is delegated to the Principal. Policies must be ratified by the Board before they can come into effect. The Board should ensure that policies are in place, that they are informed by the school Ethos & CEIST Charter Values and that they are reviewed in a timely manner. There are a very large number of policies but the main ones to watch out for are:
Policy Formation cont…. Admissions Policy including procedures around Suspension and Expulsion. Child Protection Policy. Code of Behaviour. Anti-Bullying Policy. Faith Development Policy. RSE Policy. Special Needs Policy. Critical Incident Policy. Health, Safety & Welfare Policy. Dignity in the Workplace Policy.
First Meeting: Board should be made familiar with Schedules 1 & 2. Cover: Board should be made familiar with Schedules 1 & 2. Child Protection Policy & Guidelines should be adopted. Designated Liaison Person should be formally ratified. Finance Sub-Committee should be set up. Power to suspend for longer than 3 days should be devolved to Principal in writing.
Meetings At least one week’s notice. Agenda circulated in advance: Child Protection-Every meeting. OLCS-Every meeting. Bullying Issues-Once a term. Students suspended for in excess of 6 days returned to NEWB. Additional items to be submitted at least 3 days in advance. Confidentiality & Conflict of Interest.
Meetings Confidentiality-all matters other than those contained in the Agreed Report MUST remain confidential. Conflict of Interest-Board members must, at all times, act in the best interest of school. In the event of a conflict of interest arising, for example if a Board member is lobbied by a parent prior to discussion of a particular issue, the Board member must absent himself\herself from the meeting when this discussion is taking place.
Meetings. Complaints-If a complaint is made to the Board about any member of the Board in whatever capacity then that member must absent himself\herself during discussions relating to the complaint as must any member involved in investigating the complaint at an earlier stage. Discussions in relation to complaints can only take place with the prior knowledge of those affected by the complaint who should be given the opportunity to put forward their case. Criticism of a teacher, student or any other individual is not allowed.
Other Responsibilities (not exhaustive). Ensure that minutes of all BoM meetings are submitted to CEIST. Ensure that School Statistics are submitted to CEIST by 1st October each year. Ensure that Annual Report (approved by Board) is submitted to CEIST by 31st October each year.
Other Responsibilities cont… Hear appeals-Always follow procedures. Suspensions (power to suspend for a limited period can be delegated to Principal). Expulsion (cannot be delegated).
Other Responsibilities cont… Learning & Teaching. School Self Evaluation. Implementation of Subject Inspection & WSE\MLL Reports.
Discussion on Sharing Ideas. Preparation, conducting & post Board of Management Meetings.
Discussion on Sharing Ideas. Building and maintaining relationship between Chair & Principal.
Discussion on Sharing Ideas. BoM & Chair-Contributing to Life of School.