The Legacy of Ancient Greece
language government Ancient Greek civilization made many contributions to our lives in the areas of : language government
medicine mathematics Ancient Greek civilization made many contributions to our lives in the areas of : medicine mathematics
science architecture Ancient Greek civilization made many contributions to our lives in the areas of : science architecture
entertainment sports Ancient Greek civilization made many contributions to our lives in the areas of : entertainment sports
Alphabet Greek Contributions in: I. Language and Literature This is the Greek alphabet. Ours grew out of it.
Punctuation Greek Contributions in: I. Language and Literature Our punctuation, grammar, and paragraphing are based on Greek writing.
Drama A. tragedy B. comedy Greek Contributions in: I. Language and Literature Drama A. tragedy B. comedy
Historical Writing Greek Contributions in: I. Language and Literature A Greek named Herodotus is called, “the father of history.”
Democracy Greek Contributions in: II. Modern Government The Greeks developed the basic principles of democracy.
Juries Greek Contributions in: II. Modern Government The Greeks began the practice of having citizens serve on juries.
Diseases Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine The Greeks were the first to believe that diseases had natural causes and were not caused by the gods. H1 N1 Virus
Doctor observation Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine Greek doctors carefully observed their patients and wrote what they observed.
Hippocratic Oath Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine Today, doctors take the Hippocratic Oath in which they promise to be honest, to preserve life, and to keep a patient’s information private. Short version
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Hippocratic Oath Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine These medical contributions were primarily a result of work done by Hippocrates who is called the “father of modern medicine.
Organs Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine The Greeks were able to name and describe organs inside the body.
Organs Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine A. They discovered that the heart pumped blood through the body.
Organs Greek Contributions in: III. Modern Medicine B. They discovered that the brain was the center of the nervous system.
Geometry Greek Contributions in: IV. Modern Math They developed theories involving geometry which began as a system for measuring areas of land.
Great Mathematicians Greek Contributions in: IV. Modern Math A. Pythagoras- Known for geometry and the Pythagorean Theory: A + B = C . 2
Great Mathematicians Greek Contributions in: IV. Modern Math B. Euclid- Developed a geometry textbook which is the basis for teaching geometry today.
Great Mathematicians Greek Contributions in: IV. Modern Math C. Hypatia- She was the first female to earn fame as a mathematician.
Astronomy Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science 1. Aristarchus- Was the first to suggest that the Earth moves around the sun.
Astronomy Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science 2.Hipparchus- Was the first to predict solar eclipses.
Geography Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science The Greeks developed a system of A-longitude and B-latitude to locate places on the earth .
Botany (the study of plants) Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science Botany (the study of plants) A. The Greeks identified many types of plants and named their parts.
Botany (the study of plants) Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science Botany (the study of plants) B. The Greeks learned how plants reproduce by spreading seeds.
Botany (the study of plants) Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science Botany (the study of plants) C. The Greeks learned that some plants were useful as medicines. Tobacco
Botany (the study of plants) Greek Contributions in: V. Modern Science Botany (the study of plants) D. Our system of classifying plants and animals was based on a system used by Aristotle.
Greek Contributions in: VI. Modern Architecture Many of our public structures, like government buildings, schools, churches, libraries, and museums contain Greek style features such as: Decorative columns. Doric column
Greek Contributions in: VI. Modern Architecture Many of our public structures, like government buildings, schools, churches, libraries, and museums contain Greek style features such as: Decorative columns.
Greek Contributions in: VI. Modern Architecture Many of our public structures, like government buildings, schools, churches, libraries, and museums contain Greek style features such as: Pediments- Triangular shape where roof lines come together.
Greek Contributions in: VI. Modern Architecture Many of our public structures, like government buildings, schools, churches, libraries, and museums contain Greek style features such as: Friezes- A band of sculptures at the top of a building.
Greek Contributions in: VI. Modern Architecture
Greek Contributions in: VII. Modern Theater (a viewing place) Ampitheaters- semi-circle row of seats built into the sides of a hill with a stage at the bottom
Greek Contributions in: VII. Modern Theater (a viewing place) Special effects- like hoisting actors into the air with ropes and the use of revolving scenery
Greek Contributions in: VII. Modern Theater (a viewing place) Drama- the art of writing, acting in, and producing plays. Greek dramas are still performed today.
1 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 1 Pentathlon “five contests” footrace Ancient Greek:
2 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 2 Pentathlon “five contests” Discus throw- It was made of bronze. Ancient Greek:
3 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 3 Pentathlon “five contests” Long jump- Notice the weights in his hands Ancient Greek:
4 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 4 Pentathlon “five contests” Javelin throw Ancient Greek:
5 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 5 Pentathlon “five contests” Wrestling- Only two rules: no biting and no eye gouging. Ancient Greek:
1 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 1 Pentathlon “five contests” Pistol shooting- Using an air pistol at 10 meters Modern:
2 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 2 Pentathlon “five contests” Epee fencing Modern:
3 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 3 Pentathlon “five contests” 200 meter Free style swimming Modern:
4 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 4 Pentathlon “five contests” Show jumping- with a horse Modern:
5 Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games 5 Pentathlon “five contests” 3K (approx. 2 mile) cross country run Modern:
Greek Contributions in: VIII. Modern Sports: Creation of the Olympic Games Decathlon “ten contests” was born from the pentathlon