Lecture Method: Why Do We Still Need? 9th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, February 15-17, 2017 Blacksberg, Virginia, USA Hari Prasad Nepal* Kathmandu University, Nepal hpnepal@kusoed.edu.np
Poster Outlines Introduction Purpose/Research Questions Methodology Findings Conclusion Implications References
Introduction Research on lecture method issues confirm that this teaching method has been practiced from the very beginnings of schooling. Many teachers, lecturers and professors are convinced that lecture still represents main tool of contemporary instructional process.
Purpose Statement The central purpose of this study is to uncover the extent of using lecture method in the higher education
Methodology The study was carried out in Nepalese context with employing mixed method research design. To obtain the primary data I have employed a questionnaire involving items with close and open answers. 120 teachers, lecturers and professors participated in this study.
Findings The findings indicated that 75 percent of the respondents use the lecture method in their classroom teaching. The study reveals that there are advantages of using lecture method such as easy to practice, less time to prepare, high pass rate, high students’ satisfaction, little comments on instructors, appropriate to large classes and high level students
Conclusion This research concludes that the practice of lecture method is still significantly applicable in colleges and universities in Nepalese contexts. So, there is no significant changes in the application of lecture method in the higher education classroom despite the emergence of new learning approaches and strategies.
Implications The study divulged the instructors’ reflections and measures to improve the lecture method
References Ardalan, K. (2013). The Philosophical Foundation of the Lecture Method of Instruction and the Case Method of Instruction: Implications for Examinations.Contemporary Issues in Education Research, v6 n1 p1-8 2013. Berry, W. (2008). Surviving lecture: A pedagogical alternative. College Teaching, 56,149-153. Covill, A. E.. (2011). College Students' Perceptions of the Traditional Lecture Method. College Student Journal, v45 n1 p92-101. Gilbaugh, J. W. (1978). A Viable Alternative to the Lecture Method? Phi Delta Kappan, 59, 9, 630-2. Mowbray, R. & Perry, L.B. (2015). Improving Lecture Quality through Training in Public Speaking. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, v52 n2 p207-217. Shupe, D. S. (1979). Improving Learning Efficiency by the Lecture Method. Engineering Education, v69 n5 p406-08. UNESCO (2003). The Traditional View of The Learning Process. Retrieved from http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=26921&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html