Paintable, or Structural Batteries using Organic Electrodes Transformational concept: Paintable, or Structural Batteries using Organic Electrodes Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M (2013 YIP Project) 23,24 Li+ PF6- Cathode Polyethylene oxide Electrolyte Graphite/FGS Anode Functionalized graphene sheet (stores charge non-Faradaically ) Polyaniline (stores charge Faradaically) Aramid nanofiber (mechanical properties) Please explain in detail what I should say, especially for the future research The goal of this project is to design electrodes that simultaneously store energy and provide mechanical structure (or reinforcement). These electrodes contain functionalized graphene sheet, polyaniline, and aramid (or Kevlar) nanofibers. The can be fabricated via spraying, vacuum filtration, or nanoscale assembly (Layer-by-layer assembly). The electrodes are fabricated in such a way that they functionalized graphene sheets overlap and interlock with each other to form a “brick wall”. The fabricated electrode acts as the cathode, and the electrolyte and anode are standard lithium-ion battery components (graphite anode, lithium hexafluorophosphate in non-aqueous electrolyte). The key questions for this project are “what factors give superior energy storage?” and “how do we optimize energy storage and mechanical properties, which often trade off with each other?” The future research plans include varying graphene/polyaniline/aramid nanofiber composition to fundamentally understand how energy storage and mechanical properties trade off with one another. To date, one publication has resulted, which details the energy storage properties of polyaniline-based layer-by-layer assemblies. This work demonstrates that polyaniline processed in this fashion, maintains its energy storage properties and conductivity. What factors give superior energy storage? How to optimize energy storage and mechanical properties?
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