How to pass Business Administration Level 2
Communication, personal effectiveness, and supporting others Chapter 5 Communication, personal effectiveness, and supporting others
Meetings are held to: exchange ideas discuss information take decisions on policies or procedures impart information to members of staff
4. Participants / Attendees 5. Facilities and equipment Calling a Meeting Preparation 1. Type of the meeting 2. Purpose of the meeting 3. Time and place 4. Participants / Attendees 5. Facilities and equipment 6. Communication Agenda items
Calling a Meeting Preparation 1. Type of the meeting Briefing meetings Brainstorming meetings Decision-making meetings Problem-solving meetings Negotiations
Calling a Meeting Preparation 2. Purpose of the meeting Agenda 1) meeting objectives 2) topics for discussion 3) Presenter for each topic 4) Time allotment for each topic
Calling a Meeting Preparation 3. Time and place Date Place Length of time
Calling a Meeting Preparation 4. Participants / Attendees The chairperson The participants The secretary
Calling a Meeting Preparation 5. Facilities and equipment Meeting room Audio-visual equipment Refreshment and/or meals Parking space
Calling a Meeting Preparation 6. Communication Finalize the agenda Information packets/documentation Circulation
Scenario Q1. MEMORANDUM To Office Administrator From Claire Fagandini, Senior Administrator Date 17 January 2013 In order to reduce our postage costs I am going to write, in the next few days, to all members of staff encouraging them to use the email system and fax machine to transmit information. Please let me have, in the form of a memo: (a) the advantages of using email (b) the advantages of using fax I shall use this information in my communication to all staff. CF
Scenario Q2. Desk Note Please let me have a list of the duties of an administrator when having a meeting. This list is for a training session with secretaries who will become involved in arranging meetings. Thanks Jessica McCarthy, the Admin. Manager
Before a meeting: prepare and circulate notice of meeting and agenda circulate copies of the minutes of the previous meeting remind appropriate members of staff of any reports or accounts which are needed for the meeting book appropriate room for the meeting arrange for refreshments to be served and water and glasses to be supplied
6. prepare name cards for all those invited to attend the meeting 7. type out the Chairperson’s agenda 8. prepare attendance register including names of all those invited to attend 9. arrange for telephone calls to be re-routed if the meeting room contains a telephone 10. ensure a notice is placed on the outside of the door stating “MEETING IN PROGRESS”
11. collect all documentation needed for the meeting and keep together in file- ensure extra agendas are available 12. supply water and necessary stationery for participants’ use 13. prepare notebook ready for taking minutes- ensure there are sufficient clean pages available 14. make sure pens/pencils are available for taking minutes 15. make sure that date, time and place of meeting have been entered in your diary
During a meeting: make sure a notebook can be placed on a flat surface for taking notes sit where all participants are in view and name cards can be seen ensure all participants sign the attendance register make a note of the names of all those attending make a note of all who have submitted apologies for absence make a note of all decisions which are reached and the names of participants who made proposals
After a meeting: tidy up all papers left lying on desks collect files, attendance register and name cards remove notice from the outside of the door so that other staff are aware that the meeting is over contact catering staff and request removal of cups etc prepare minutes a.s.a.p. after meeting while events are still fresh in your mind
6. copy of draft minutes to be submitted to the Chairperson 7. minutes may be circulated to all those who attended OR may be filed and circulated with the notice of meeting and agenda of the next meeting 8. copy of minutes to be filed in minutes book 9. enter date, time and place of next meeting in your own diary
Scenario Q3. Desk Note Please let me have a flow chart showing the steps involved in processing orders. Thanks Jessica McCarthy, the Admin. Manager
Order Flow Collect Money Sales Marketing Order Receipt In Stock? no In Stock? Production yes Pull Ordered Amount Pull from Stock Complete Shipping Paperwork Take to Shipping Dock Ship Bill Customer Collect Money
國貿書信、文件流程 出口商參展、 廣告、推銷 進口商詢價 (inquiry) 出口商報價 (quotation) 進口商議價&還價 (counter offer & offer negotiation) 出口商訂立合約 (sales contract) 進口商下訂單 (purchase order) 出口商於通知銀行領 取LC、出貨、報關 、裝船、取回提單 進口商開信用狀 (Letter of Credit) 出口商押匯 (negotiation) 進口商於開狀銀行結清貨款 、取回貨運文件並報關提貨
Scenario Q4.
Simple Written Communications: Short letters Memos E-mails
Layout of a short letter Printed letterhead Ref Date Name and address of addressee Salutation Body of the letter Complimentary close Name of sender Designation of sender Enc. c.c.
INTERNET CONSULTANTS Your ref: BD646 Our ref: SF9598 December 12, 2012 Mr. Gytes Managing Director Technology Conferences California 89846 Dear Mr. Gytes: Internet 2012 Conference Following your letter of 10 December, I am writing to confirm that I can speak at next year’s conference. Please reserve a room for me. I am looking forward to seeing you next year. Sincerely yours Jeremy Tan CEO Enc c.c. Peter Pam, Product Manager
Memo form Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject:
Memorandum To: All Sales Managers From: Sally White, Sales Director Date: 18 October, 2012 Subject: Sales Figures Please attend a meeting in Room 449 on Friday 20 October 2012 at 10 am. Thanks SW
E-mails (a medium rather than a style of communication.) To: From: CC: BCC: Date: Re:
To: From: CC: BCC: Date: January 17, 2013 Re. Project meeting 333/8 Hi, Apple Friday at 9am is fine. Could we finish by 12pm as I’ve got another meeting? Please give me a final agenda ASAP. Cheers Orange
How to Pass Exam – Tips to you 1. Before the test Don’t forget your paper dictionary Come earlier Go to bed earlier on the day before test
How to Pass Exam – Tips to you 2. During the test Check work carefully Dictionary is allowed; therefore, spelling errors will be marked down greatly Do not worry too much about grammar or punctuations Always use simple sentences to avoid mistakes Not enough just to take knowledge from textbook
How to Pass Exam – Tips to you 2. During the test Read questions carefully Complete your answer on only one page Check the format of your answer Try to cover as many aspects as possible to demonstrate overall knowledge and creative ideas Good time management
How to Pass Exam – Tips to you After the test Good Luck! Relax and have fun!