Presented by: AfDB Team Facilitator: Sophie DIMBUNGU PRE-BID MEETING – MOZAMBIQUE COUNTRY OFFICE OUTFITTING WORKS 09th November 2017 From 11.30hrs Presented by: AfDB Team Facilitator: Sophie DIMBUNGU “Building today, a better Africa Tomorrow “
Why this event? Objectives “Building today, a better Africa Tomorrow”
OBJECTIVES: SITE VISIT & PRE-BID MEETING Know the project site and map to requirements. Understand the bidding process. Understand the nature of this bid. Understand the drawings. Minimize as much as possible variations and cost overruns. Ask questions. “Building today, a better Africa Tomorrow”
BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PROCUREMENT Transparency Fairness Competition Accountability “Building today, a better Africa Tomorrow “
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The African Development Bank adopted its Sustainable Procurement Guidelines; This implies Bidders to take social and environmental considerations into account when buying goods and works. We encourage use of green products and Bidders should show / indicate “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Transparency Our policy is in the website Site visit & bid meeting are mandatory, please respond to questions on time when asked a question.
What does transparency entail AfDB policy is on the website Site visit & bid meeting are mandatory; Please respond to questions on time when asked a question. Pay attention to Supplier Code of Conduct. Gifts are not acceptable to employees of the Bank. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Fairness No Bidder will be marginalized. 1.Equal opportunities to all that are eligible 2. Evaluation criteria are strictly followed. – criteria – i) pass/fail, ii) technical score iii) financial. 3. Bids are considered against evaluation criteria. 4. Award 5. Bidders can challenge the process
What does fairness entail No Bidder will be advantaged or disadvantaged. Equal opportunities to all that are eligible; Evaluation criteria are strictly followed. – criteria – i) pass/fail, ii) technical score iii) financial. – Then the lowest evaluated bidder shall be awarded the contract Bids are considered against evaluation criteria. Award Bidders can challenge the process
Competition Competition is default method, 2.Sufficient time at lease 14 days to respond 3. Same information to all
What does competition mean? Competition is default method; All bidders given equal time - sufficient time, at lease 14 days to respond. Same information at the same time to all. That is why we use for communication to all bidders. No preferential treatment to any bidder. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Accountability “All staff are accountable. Bidders accountable too for their actions and failure to disclose conflict of interest.
Accountability means that; All staff of the Bank, including the contracted consultants are accountable. All parties to this bid are to maintain confidentiality and treatment of classified information. All Staff and Bidders are accountable too are to declare the conflict of interest, otherwise they are accountable for their actions and failure to disclose conflict of interest. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENTS Standard Bidding documents: ITB is used with this bid – One envelope and selection on responsive, compliance and best evaluated bidder 1. Standard Bidding documents: ITB is used with this bid – One envelope and selection on responsive, compliance and best evaluated bidder.
Joint venture Joint venture is allowed to assist on increase of your capacity, chances of winning the tender and performance of the contract. The contractor shall not be allowed to sub-contract 100% of its obligations. The use of sub-contractors does not relief the vendor of its responsibility to fulfil terms and conditions of the contract
JOINT VENTURE IS ALLOWED Joint venture is allowed to assist on increase Bidders’ capacity and chances of winning the tender and good performance of the contract. Subcontracting is allowed and should communicate the names of the sub- contractor – Sub-contracting should not be 100% of obligations. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Bidding period 1. Ask for clarification if in doubt, closed by 13th November 2016 2. Prepare the tender document yourself and not assign an assistant 3. Fill in the checklist if there is one or make it yourself. 4. Bid closing date 17th November 2016 at 15.00hrs Mozambique Local time
Bidding Period Ask for clarification if in doubt, closed by 13th November 2016; Prepare the tender document yourself and not assign an assistant. Fill in the checklist if there is one or make it yourself. Bid closing date 17th November 2016 at 15.00hrs Mozambique Local time. Habitable Offices are required by 30th Jan 2017. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Submission date 1. Be well on time 2. Know the exact physical location where the tender document needs to be deposited 3. Be prepared to climb the stairs, 4. If you are using courier, remember to provide sufficient time, it is not the time when you posted it is when it has been received.
Submission date requirements Be well on time. Late bids are rejected. Know the exact physical location where the tender document needs to be deposited Be prepared to climb the stairs, If you are using courier, remember to provide sufficient time, It is not the time when you posted the bid BUT it is when it has been received that is considered. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
During evaluation 1.Keep your lines open 2.Respond to questions promptly and within the deadline 3. Fill all the forms, make sure that the forms that require signatures are signed – Appendices – don’t forget to sign conformity form. 4.Avoid canvassing or collusion
Evaluation scrutinizes all information Evaluation is microscopic on all information provided; Keep your lines open Respond to questions promptly and within the deadline. Fill all the forms, make sure that the forms that require signatures are signed – Appendices – don’t forget to sign conformity form. Avoid canvassing or collusion. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Additional Critical Requirements The evaluation method (Pass/Fail criteria and least cost offer). Line of credit is important or cash flow for this project; The AfDB offers Advance payment of 30% backed by Bank Guarantee. This bid requires a bid security of US$60,000, valid till the contract commencement Performance Guarantee 10% valid till the end of works contract Retention fee – 5% valid till 12 months “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Observe instructions & win the bid 1.Failure to submit registration documents – certificate of incorporation/share certificate 2. Failure to submit audited financial statements 3. Failure to attach relevant CVs 4.Failure to sign necessary forms, such as conflict of interest, litigation, country of origin of goods 5. Failure to indicate bid validity period
BE RESPONSIVE & WIN THE BID Submit registration documents – certificate of incorporation/share certificates etc; Submit the 3 years audited financial statements; Attach relevant CVs as required; Sign necessary forms, such as conflict of interest, litigation etc; Indicate bid validity period; Price all items on BOQ “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Award Process– Negotiation and Due diligence 1. Acknowledge receipt and respond within deadline. Use a reliable address. 2. Negotiations will take please so that a clean contract can be written. 3. Due diligence will be conducted to ensure establishment of good record/background checks. 4. Remember you had accepted all the terms and conditions.
means negotiating with next best Acknowledge receipt of invitation to negotiate and respond within deadline. Use a reliable address. Negotiations will take please so that a clean contract can be written. Due diligence will be conducted to ensure establishment of good record/background checks. Mobilization of resources is allowed. 4. Remember you had accepted all the terms and conditions. “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
Debriefing. When you receive a regret letter you are eligible to request for a debriefing in 7 days 1. When you receive a regret letter you need to request for a debriefing within 7 days
AfDB BID DOCUMENT - ITB 1. Section I – Letter of invitation 2. Section II – Instructions to Bidders 3. Section III – ITB Data Sheet 4. Section IV - Specification etc; 5. Section V – Bid Questionnaire Forms to be completed and signed 6. Section VI – Eligibility requirements and Member States 7. Section 7 – Conditions and other forms to complete “Building today, a better Africa Tomorrow”
Technical Presentation by the Consultants – Madam Sheila Tembwe Time for Consultants The consultants to make a technical presentation on the scope of works and technical requirements. The consultants have prepared this presentation for you bidders to understand the scope of work and timely requirements “Building today, better Africa Tomorrow”
DIALOGUE WITH BIDDERS Presentation - the Consultant – Sheila Tembwe Lot 1 Drawings Lot 2 Drawings Lot 3 Drawings Lot 4 Drawings Lot 6 Drawings Lot 7 Drawings Lot 8 drawings Lot 9 – BOQ discussion “Building today, a better Africa Tomorrow “
Thank you & Keep in your Mind that This project is critical and has to be achieved timeously without any extension of time “Building today, a better Africa tomorrow”