(Insert School Letterhead) Briefing for Staff Independent Schools NSW (Teachers) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2017 Steps Model MEA
Consent Position In May 2016, the School appointed AISNSW to bargain a new MEA for teachers. AISNSW consulted broadly with member schools and its Employment Relations Committee regarding the terms and conditions of employment. On 24 June 2016, IEU met with AISNSW to discuss the proposal and commence bargaining. Negotiations were conducted through to August. The current MEA expires in January 2017. A consent position has been reached between AISNSW on behalf of its member schools and the IEUA on behalf of its members in schools.
The Steps Model MEA 2017 Explained The term of the agreement is 4 years commencing 1 February 2017. Salary Increases Effective from the first full pay period on or after 1 February in each year of the agreement. 15 August, 2016 John Quessy, Secretary of IEU wrote to members stating: “The Union considers they are a good outcome in the current low-inflation economic environment’. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2.3% 2.5%
Personal/Carer’s Leave 2015-2016 Steps Model MEA 2017 Steps Model MEA 25 days of sick leave. A maximum cap of accumulated sick leave of 100 days. Sick leave could not be accessed for personal occasions that are outside of the employee control. Carer’s leave capped at 10 days of current leave and 30 days of accumulated leave. 15 Days of personal/carer’s leave upon commencement of the MEA or employment, plus 15 days each year which accrues over the year. Untaken personal/carer’s leave accumulates indefinitely. Leave balance can be used for personal leave for illness or injury, or carer’s leave. No cap on carer’s Leave. Carer’s leave may be accessed to provide support to a family member who is experiencing domestic violence. Current accumulated leave of up to 100 days is maintained.
Special Leave 2015-2016 Steps Model MEA 2017 Steps Model MEA N/A Employees may access one day per year of Special Leave, to meet a scheduled family commitment, where the timing of the commitment is beyond the control of the Teacher and where the commitment cannot be scheduled outside work time (for example, the graduation of an immediate family member).
Support for Teachers undergoing Proficient Teacher 2015-2016 Steps Model MEA 2017 Steps Model MEA Provision for support to teachers undergoing the Proficient Teacher process. In addition to the requirement to provide support, where the school becomes concerned that a teacher undergoing the process will not meet their accreditation or registration deadline, the school will notify the teacher that there are concerns that they are at risk of not achieving accreditation or registration at the commencement of the final term of the teacher’s second year of teaching. The teacher is required to engage fully in the process with the school.
Professional Development 2015-2016 Steps Model MEA 2017 Steps Model MEA No provision. Requirement to inform teachers by the end of Term 3 of compulsory PD and/or meetings in the following year. In addition, such professional development, should where appropriate, be registered with the Quality Teaching Council of BOSTES. Then new provisions are to assist teachers to meet BOSTES maintenance of PD requirements.
Recognition of Overseas Service 2015-2016 Steps Model MEA 2017 Steps Model MEA Service in Australian schools only recognised. Teaching service in English speaking overseas is recognised. The countries are, the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, and other English speaking countries in which the teacher education qualifications are recognised by AITSL as equivalent to qualifications from an Australian university.
Notice of Termination and Forfeiture 2015-2016 Steps Model MEA 2017 Steps Model MEA 4 term weeks’ notice of termination by either side. School has the capacity to withhold entitlements if notice not provided. 4 term weeks’ notice of termination by either side in NSW. Provided that the school must provide notice of termination prior to the date of termination (not retrospectively). The new clause requires written consent to withhold salaries in lieu of notice. However, if consent is not provided, the employee creates a debt to the school for the school to pursue. Time of notice and consent to withhold have been changed to ensure compliance with the Fair Work Act.
The Vote With the consent of the IEU, the School has decided to put the agreement to staff. The Agreement provides certainty for wage increases for the next 4 years. We will hold the vote from 8.00 am on Monday 17th October 2016 to 4 pm on Friday 21st October 2016. If over 50% of those who vote, vote ‘yes’ the agreement is valid. (e.g. If 10 people vote out of a staff of 100, and 6 vote yes) If a ‘yes’ vote, the agreements will be lodged with the Fair Work Commission before the end of the school year. The vote will be by secret ballot.
What if? If you vote ‘No’, the current agreement remains in place. Current Salary rates continue to apply (frozen in time). The offer will not be varied on an individual school basis. If you vote ‘yes’: the first 2.3% wage increase is effective on the first full pay period on or after 1 February 2017. Followed by 3 years of 2.5% wage increases. We don’t need to repeat this process for 4 years. It is important that all staff participate in the process – please vote!
Your Decision A copy of the Agreement was sent to you all via email on (insert date). A copy of the Agreement is also available for your review at [insert location, school intranet, hard copy in staff room]. Contact [insert relevant employee] or email [insert address] if you have any questions. REMINDER Your ballot papers are available from (insert details, e.g. room xx, between 9 am-11 am and 3-4.30 pm, from Ms Jones). The ballot box will be in room xx, between 8 am-4 pm each day of the week commencing Monday 17th October 2016 to Friday 21st October 2016.