Adults on Mission Men and women reaching the world for Christ
WHAT IS ADULTS ON MISSION? Adults on Mission is the Woman’s Missionary Union® (WMU®) organization for men and women aged 18 and older.
To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world WHAT IS THEIR PURPOSE? To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world
What are the objectives OF WMU? To pray for missions To support missions To learn about missions To engage in mission action and witnessing To develop spiritually toward a missions lifestyle To participate in the work of the church and the denomination
WMU Adult Organizations Women on Mission® myMISSIONSM (ages 18-34) Adults on MissionSM
Adults on Mission enables adults to: Use their unique spiritual gifts in God’s plan Fulfill Christ’s missions purpose in their lives Affirm God’s call both individually and corporately Understand the local and global perspectives of the gospel Commit to a missional lifestyle
Key Elements of Adults on Mission Project-oriented Missions ministry based Combination of learning and doing Not focused on meetings Flexible Engaging and experiential Team based with all using their gifts as they work together
How do Adults on Mission operate? Through groups who meet to accomplish the objectives of Adults on Mission
HOW MANY PEOPLE START A GROUP? Two (2) is the minimum number of people needed to begin a group!
How do you form a group? Groups may be formed: Around adults who want to be involved in missions To meet needs in the community Around life issues such as parenting or retirement From existing groups such as sports teams who want to be involved in missions Around natural networks or affiliations such as school teachers, etc.
Patterns of Organization One + One: + One group One leader Use this pattern with: A new church A church with limited leadership A church that is small and does not need more groups
Patterns of Organization One + More: Adults on Mission groups, each with its own leader Adults on Mission coordinator + Use this pattern in a large church or when the organization has grown and needs multiple groups.
Leadership When possible, it is best to have two leaders, one of each gender, to lead an Adults on Mission group. A coordinator is elected to coordinate the work of groups when there is more than one group.
WMU Leadership Team WMU Director Women on Mission Facilitator Adults on Mission Leader Youth on Mission Leader Children in Action Leader Mission Friends Coordinator Assistant WMU Director
Adults on Mission groups Determine their goals based on needs and the WMU objectives Plan their projects Take responsibility for enlisting others to be involved in missions
Specific Responsibilities of Group LeaderS Lead group members to set goals and action plans for accomplishing your purpose and providing missions experiences Guide members in developing their leadership potential Maintain records and reports Serve on the WMU Leadership Team (if only one group) or planning team (if more than one group)
Group Leadership May enlist other leaders, as needed, to accomplish the work of the group. They may be enlisted for on-going projects short-term activities one-time events
Adults on Mission Planning Team When there is more than one group, the leaders serve with the coordinator on the Adults on Mission Planning Team. The coordinator represents Adults on Mission on the WMU Leadership Team.
Adults on Mission Planning Team Coordinator Leader Adults on Mission Planning Team
Specific Responsibilities of Coordinators Lead the planning team to set goals and action plans Enlist group leaders Coordinate, develop, train, nurture leaders and members Prepare and maintain budget Provide resources Encourage enlistment
Additional Responsibilities of the Coordinator Guides groups in planning and conducting missions experiences involving all Adults on Mission groups Maintains records and reports Serves on WMU Leadership Team
Resources for Adults on Mission
Other Resources Missions Mosaic WMU Yearbook
WMU, SBC Customer Service Ordering Information WMU, SBC Customer Service 1.800.968.7301
For More Information about Adults on Mission 803.227.6210 or 800.723.7242, ext. 8525
Adults on Mission Have you joined yet? Men and women reaching the world for Christ Have you joined yet?