Piecewise Functions I. Graphing piecewise functions. A) To accurately draw piecewise graphs you need (x,y) pts. 1) You can create an x y table of values to get them. 2) Or you can enter the f(x) into a graphing calculator and use the table feature to generate (x,y) points. 3) Plot the points and connect them with a line to make the function. Use a straight edge for straight lines and draw your best fitting curve for non-straight line shapes.
Piecewise Functions II. Graphing piecewise functions on the Nspire. A) On the Home screen, press the bottom blue graph icon. B) Press the button to the right of the 9 button. C) Go over to the 8th icon at the top of the pop up box. 1) It will ask you how many pieces you want to use for your piecewise function. Choose a # and press OK. D) In the left side boxes you type your functions. E) In the right side boxes you type your domain values. 1) Press the yellow “ctrl” button and the “=“ button right beneath it to get the greater/less than symbols. F) Use the table (ctrl T) to find the (x,y) of the piecewise f(x). 1) Plot those points and connect the dots.