WAYANG KULIT played by a dalang, the puppeteer Yogyakarta Culture WAYANG KULIT played by a dalang, the puppeteer
Gamelan Traditional Musical instrument Yogyakarta Culture Gamelan Traditional Musical instrument
Ramayana Ballet Depicting the tale of Prince Rama Yogyakarta Culture Ramayana Ballet Depicting the tale of Prince Rama
Sekaten Festival celebrating the birth of Prophet Festivals Sekaten Festival celebrating the birth of Prophet
Labuhan Festival celebrating the birth of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono Festivals Labuhan Festival celebrating the birth of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono
Commemorating Buddha Gautama’s life, death and accession Festivals Waiçak Festival Commemorating Buddha Gautama’s life, death and accession
Traditional modes of transport Andhong Horseback carriages
Traditional modes of transport Becak a three wheel cab all around Yogya