The “Zoo” of Vector Analysis What are we Studying? The “Zoo” of Vector Analysis
Functions---The Big Picture A set of inputs (domain!) A set of outputs (range!) A “rule” that takes any input and yields an output
Our “zoo” Calculus C---concentrates (with some exceptions) on Vector Analysis studies (Though our pictures and many applications are still in the plane or in 3-space.)
Parametrically Defined Curves Some Special Cases Parametrically Defined Curves In the plane In 3-dimensional space
Parametric Curves in the Plane An Example Hypotrochoids (Spirograph, anyone?)
Trajectories in Space
Trajectories in Space
Trajectories in Space
Trajectories in 3-dimensional space An Example 4 world records: Tallest, Longest, Fastest and Greatest Drop. Steel Dragon Nagashima Spaland, Japan
Scalar Fields A scalar field is one whose output values are real numbers
Scalar Fields in Higher Dimensions Examples?
Vector Fields A vector field is one whose output values are vectors. Examples?
Vector Fields A vector field is one whose output values are vectors. Direction field---if we care only about direction and not magnitude