Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS): Survey Implementation
Overview Fieldwork for Research Coordinators and Fieldworkers Survey Scheduling and Preparation Administering the Survey in Schools Returning Survey Materials to CDC Next Steps Data Dissemination
Disclaimer The country names and data shown in the forms and templates in this presentation are used only for example purposes and do not represent actual GYTS data.
Documents Referenced GYTS Implementation Instructions Introduction Country Engagement Process Protocol Adaptation Fieldwork Implementation Data Analysis and Reporting Appendices
Survey Scheduling and Preparation Research Coordinators
Implementing Agency and RC Readiness Questionnaire adapted, reviewed, and finalized Sample design finalized (i.e., Sampling Parameters Worksheet and School Enrollment List) Sample selection completed (i.e., School Selection List finalized) Survey materials received from CDC School Selection List School-Level and Class-Level Sample Information Forms Answer sheets Header sheets
Survey Scheduling and Preparation Tasks Fieldwork tasks for Research Coordinators: Obtain school participation Schedule the survey date and time Establish contact person for Fieldworker Send Class Selection Template to school administrator to enter list of eligible classes Determine which classes should take the GYTS based on the School Selection List and the Class Selection Template Obtain parental consent Select and train Fieldworkers on the Implementation process Send survey materials and completed Class Selection Template to the Fieldworkers
Obtain School Participation Contact schools to obtain school participation Use School Selection List Send info packet containing Ministry of Health/Ministry of Education Letter of Support Finalized version of country- adapted GYTS questionnaire GYTS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) sheet Confirm schools’ agreement to participate in GYTS and to complete the School Policy Questionnaire Establish who will serve as contact person for Fieldworker
Schedule the Survey Date and Time Select dates for survey administration Avoid days with busy school schedules that decrease attendance Avoid holidays, special conference days, field trip days, and standardized testing days Avoid days when attendance may be low: Days right before or after school holidays Thursday and Friday in some countries Monday or Friday in urban schools (in some countries)
Determine Which Classes Should Take the GYTS The Research Coordinator uses the Class Selection Template and the School Selection List to determine which classes at a school should take the GYTS Class Selection Template School Selection List
Obtain School Information for the Template Blank Class Selection Template and instructions are sent to the school administrator School administrator completes the template’s List of Eligible Classes and the Number of Students Enrolled columns Administrator emails the completed Class Selection Template back to the Research Coordinator
Locate the GYTS School ID and Random Numbers Random Class Numbers (from School Selection List): CLASS ID (Random Class Numbers) List of Eligible Classes Number of Students Enrolled Selected Classes (to be completed by Research Coordinator) (to be completed by school contact) 1 7A 49 2 7B 27 3 7C 39 4 7D 36 5 8A 40 6 8B 7 8C 38 8 9A 45 9 9B 37 10 9C 35 11 9D 41 12 10A 29 13 10B 33 14 15
Locate the GYTS School ID and Random Numbers (cont.) 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 29, 33, 38, 42
Enter the GYTS School ID and Random Numbers Random Class Numbers (from School Selection List): 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 29, 33, 38, 42 CLASS ID (Random Class Numbers) List of Eligible Classes Number of Students Enrolled Selected Classes (to be completed by Research Coordinator) (to be completed by school contact) 1 7A 49 2 7B 27 3 7C 39 4 7D 36 5 8A 40 6 8B 7 8C 38 8 9A 45 9 9B 37 10 9C 35 11 9D 41 12 10A 29 13 10B 33 14 15
Select Classes for the GYTS GYTS School ID: 24 Random numbers (from School Selection List): 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 29, 33, 38, 42 CLASS ID (Random Class Numbers) List of Eligible Classes Number of Students Enrolled Selected Classes (to be completed by Research Coordinator) (to be completed by school contact) 1 7A 49 2 7B 27 √ 3 7C 39 4 7D 36 5 8A 40 6 8B 7 8C 38 8 9A 45 9 9B 37 10 9C 35 11 9D 41 12 10A 29 13 10B 33 14 15
Ensure Accurate Class Selection Follow exact order of random numbers on the template Do not insert classes in List of Eligible Classes column Do not adjust order of, or skip, any random numbers In some cases, not all eligible grades in a school will be surveyed
Establish Contact Person and Parental Consent Arrange for delivery of Parent Notification Forms Form should be delivered 3-4 days prior to survey administration Send enough forms so that all parents of selected students receive a copy Passive consent is used for GYTS; copies of the Parent Notification Form should not be returned to CDC
Select and Train Fieldworkers RC should conduct a half-day or one-day training session shortly the before survey is administered Train Fieldworkers on full GYTS implementation process Review the Questionnaire instructions and the Fieldworker Script Assign trained Fieldworkers to specific schools
Provide Survey Materials to Fieldworkers Fieldworker Instructions and script GYTS Questionnaires, answer sheets, pencils, and erasers One per student; review Class Selection Template for number of students enrolled per selected class School Policy Questionnaire and answer sheet labeled with GYTS school ID (one per school) Completed Class Selection Template for each school School-Level Sample Information Form for each selected school Class-Level Sample Information Form and Header Sheet for each selected class Include additional copies Large envelopes to serve as the class envelopes Large envelope to serve as the school envelope
Administering the Survey in Schools Training for Fieldworkers
GYTS Administration in the Schools Survey administration tasks for Fieldworkers: Check to ensure there is an accurate number of materials Administer the School Policy Questionnaire and collect completed answer sheet Complete Page 1 of the School-Level Sample Information Form Complete Page 2 of the School-Level Sample Information Form throughout the survey administration Administer the GYTS in the selected classes Complete one Class-Level Sample Information Form for each selected class Complete one Header Sheet for each selected class Collect and review the completed GYTS answer sheets Create the class and school envelopes Review all final materials Send collected data and forms to the Research Coordinator
Review the Class Selection Template Fieldworker will refer to the template throughout survey administration Provides info to complete survey forms Selected class have circled Class IDs in the first column of the template The class number for a selected class is shown in the second column of the template
Administer the GYTS in the Classroom Read the Fieldworker script to describe the survey process to students Read the Questionnaire Instructions and Introduction How to fill in bubbles correctly No. 2 pencils must be used to complete the answer sheets Students should not put names on the answer sheets Allow enough time (about 30 minutes) for students to complete the survey
Complete the School-Level Sample Information Form
Complete the Class-Level Sample Information Form and Complete the Header Sheet
Collect and Review Completed Answer Sheets Collect the answer sheets from students Questionnaires can be recycled or discarded or the students may keep them Count the answer sheets to ensure the number matches the number entered on the Class-Level Sample Information Form
Collect and Review Completed Answer Sheets Review the answer sheets to ensure correct Look for bubbles that are not completely filled in or too light Fill in any incorrectly filled bubbles on answer sheets Erase stray marks on the answer sheets Keep all answer sheets in the original class envelope Return answer sheets to the Research Coordinator, regardless of completion
Create the Class Envelope Label the top left-hand corner of the class envelope with the GYTS School ID and the Class ID IDs are found on Class-Level Sample Information Form
Review Materials for the Class Envelope Review Header Sheet and Class-Level Sample Information form to ensure that both are complete GYTS School ID and Class ID should match on both forms GYTS School ID: 24 Class ID: 2
Compile Class Envelope Stack materials for the envelope in the following order Class-Level Sample Information Form Class Header Sheet All completed answer sheets for the class
Compile Class Envelope (cont.) Double check envelope for correct GYTS School ID and Class ID At end of survey administration, there should be one class envelope for each class selected to participate in the GYTS
Create the School Envelopes One school envelope for each participating school Label the upper left-hand corner of the school envelope with the Country, Region/City, and GYTS School ID
Compile School Envelope Stack school envelope materials in the following order: Completed answer sheet for School Policy Questionnaire Completed School-Level Sample Information Form (2 pages) All class envelopes for the school
Compile School Envelope (cont.) Never paste, glue, staple, or tape any forms to the school envelope; all forms and class envelopes go inside the school envelope At the end of survey administration, there should one school envelope for each participating school
Submitting Survey Data and Materials to the Research Coordinator Fieldworkers
Review Final Collected Materials Double-check school envelopes to ensure: Each envelope is labeled with Country, City/Region, and GYTS School ID Each envelope contains: One completed School Policy Questionnaire answer sheet with GYTS School ID One completed School-Level Sample Information Form All the class envelopes for the school
Review Final Collected Materials Double-check class envelopes to ensure: Each envelope is labeled with the GYTS School ID and Class ID Each envelope contains: One completed Class-Level Sample Information Form One completed Header Sheet All answer sheets for the class The number of answer sheets should match the number of participating students listed on the Class-Level Sample Information Form
Review Final Collected Materials Remember… Do not paste, glue, staple, or tape any forms, header sheets, or answer sheets to each other or to the envelope Return all answer sheets to the Research Coordinator, regardless of completion Do not throw away any filled in/ completed answer sheets Keep all answer sheets with the class envelope Do not return the Parent Notification Forms to the Research Coordinator
Return Data to the Research Coordinator Fieldworker should coordinate with the Research Coordinator to determine the best way to submit data and the completed materials If the materials are to be shipped, a traceable shipping method should be used to track the shipment
Reviewing Data and Materials and Submitting Materials to the CDC Research Coordinators
Review Materials Returned from the Field The Research Coordinator is responsible for reviewing all school envelopes submitted from the field Check to ensure each school envelope includes the following: One completed School Policy Questionnaire answer sheet (with GYTS School ID) One completed School-Level Sample Information Form (2 pages) All class envelopes from the school Check to ensure each class envelope includes the following : One completed Class-Level Sample Information Form One completed Header Sheet The correct number of answer sheets as listed on the Class-Level Sample Information Form
Review Materials Returned from the Field Have the header sheets or the answer sheets been completed with a No. 2 pencil? Go over any marked bubbles with a No. 2 pencil, if needed Never copy responses to a new answer sheet Are there stray marks on the answer sheets? Erase all stray marks Are there any answer sheets that are folded or crumpled? Flatten answer sheets Submit all answer sheets to CDC Any issues with the returned data and materials should be resolved with the Fieldworker before the Research Coordinator submits the data to CDC
Packaging and Shipping Data to CDC Securely packed Bundle large School Envelopes By city or region (if applicable) Secure with a rubber band or string One copy of final GYTS and School Policy Questionnaires Country language and English back-translation Package GYTS data and survey materials securely CDC will provide shipping information via email Not securely packed
Next Steps Data processing, analysis, and finalization GYTS Analysis Workshop Fact sheet finalization Country Report drafted Planning release, data dissemination, and publications Epi Info Training Data Release GYTS Program and Policy Workshop