Chapter 1: Communicating at Work Lecture by: Chris Ross
Communication and Success It is estimated that an executive spends 75-80% of their time communicating (about 45 minutes an hour) 60% of medical errors are due to poor communication; also approximately 98,000 deaths a year.
Communication and Success Top Qualities/Skills Employers Want Team Work Ability Verbal Communication Skills Able to Make Decisions/Problem Solve Able to Obtain/Process Information Able to Plan, Organize and Prioritize Work
Nature of Communication Communication Principles It is unavoidable. We always communicate nonverbally. We may not try to send messages, but we always are. Just as we are always receiving them.
Nature of Communication Communication Principles Communication is strategic. Meaning it always has goals in mind. Instrumental Communication => messages aimed at accomplishing the task at hand. Relational Communication => messages that shape and reflect the way people regard each other. Identity Management => the practice of presenting yourself in ways that produce a preferred image and distinctive sense of self.
Nature of Communication Communication Principles Communication is Irreversible. Once its there, it is there. Communication is a Process. It is not just an action. Time, place/location, who, what, and many other issues have to be examined.
Nature of Communication Communication Principles Communication is not a Panacea. Sometimes there will be more problems than solutions but other times it will be all that is needed. Panacea => Cure-all. Answer or solution for all problems.
Basics of the Communication Model Begins with the sender, who transmits the message (sometimes inadvertently other times deliberate). The sender must chose words or nonverbals to create meaning, this is the encoding phase. The channel/medium is what is used to deliver the message (face to face or text for example)
Basics of the Communication Model A message sent does not mean it is received or understood correctly. Receivers will attach meanings to messages through their interpretation and responces. This is the decoding process. Receivers can then send feedback to the message.
Basics of the Communication Model All messages have to deal with noise. Noise => factors that interfere with exchange of messages. Environmental Physiological Psychological
Communication Channels Channels have various characteristics Richness => amount of information a channel can give Speed => how quickly a message can be exchanged. Synchronous (face-to-face) or asynchronous (email) Control => how much you can manage the process.
Communication Channels Consider the Tone of the Message Consider the Organization’s Culture Consider Using Multiple Channels Table 1-2 on page 14 charts considerations
Communication In & Beyond Organizations Formal Communication Networks => systems designed by management to dictate who should talk to whom to get a job done.
Communication In & Beyond Organizations Downward Communication => occurs whenever superiors initiate message to subordinates. (Figure 1.2; page15) Happens most frequently: Job Instructions Job Rationale Feedback Indoctrination
Communication In & Beyond Organizations Upward Communication => messages flowing from subordinates to superiors. Seen most frequently: What subordinates are doing Unsolved work problems Feelings about each other and jobs
Communication In & Beyond Organizations Horizontal Communication (Lateral Communication) => consists of messages between members of an organization with equal power. Main purposes: Task coordination Problem solving Sharing information Conflict resolution Building rapport
Informal Communication Networks Informal Communication Networks => patterns of interaction based on friendships, shared person or career interest and proximity. Useful Functions of Informal Networks Confirming formal messages Expanding formal messages Expediting official messages Contradicting official messages Circumventing formal channels
Personal Networking Networking => process of deliberately meeting people and maintaining contacts to get career information, advice, and leads (and help others in return).
Personal Networking View everyone as a networking prospect Be sensitive to personal and cultural factors Treat your contacts with gratitude and respect Help others Get referrals to secondary sources Seek a mentor Network throughout your career
Class Activity Think back to a time when a communication experience went wrong. Review each section (Sender, encoding, message, channel, receiver, decoding, feedback and noise) to see what caused issues with the process.
Class Activity Create a school-related goal for yourself. Decide which instructors and/or courses in an academic department are worth seeking out and which you might want to avoid. Why? How can you make this happen? What might hinder your goal? How can you over come obstacles?