Pick up one of each handout from the front table. Find the seat with your name on the notecard: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Keep all of the handouts out on your desk. Begin filling out the Student Information Sheet very neatly!
Welcome to Chemistry!
Ms. Hall 1st year at DSA (sort of…) B.S. Chemistry, UNC Chapel Hill M.A. Teaching, Duke University Originally from Cincinnati, OH Loves the beach, cooking, and flag football Loves cheering on the Carolina Tarheels and Cincinnati Bengals! Married to a husband who REALLY wants a dog
Classroom Policies Respect Work hard Be prepared Listen to and follow directions No food or electronics
Warm-Ups You will have a warm-up posted on the board every single day. As soon as you enter the room, pick up the handouts at the front, take out your warm-up sheet, and fill it out. When you finish, you may discuss the warm-up with your neighbor until I begin class.
Notes & Binders You will have to take notes in this class. It is important you know the information before you get to use it in lab! Don’t whine about it. You should keep all of your notes, handouts, and anything else that I give you in a 3-ring binder and organized chronologically.
Labs Chemistry is a LAB science, which means you will be doing lots of group work. I will assign these groups. Don’t complain – they will change periodically. You MUST have close-toed shoes and tied-back hair to participate in all labs. If you do not, you will receive a zero for the lab, which is sad.
Homework Homework is a must. Completing practice problems on your own outside of class is crucial to mastering the concepts we discuss in class. Homework will be graded MOST days that it is assigned, but I will not grade every assignment. Yes, you should still complete everything.
Chemistry in North Carolina This class is based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Chemistry. You will master the material in the state curriculum by the end of the year. You will take the North Carolina Final Exam (NCFE) at the end of the year and it will be 20% of your final grade.
Topics We Will Cover Matter Measurement The Atom Chemical Reactions Stoichiometry The Periodic Table Chemical Bonding Thermodynamics Gases Acids, Bases & Solutions
Reality Check… Chemistry is difficult, but is also super fun and hands-on! If you work hard in class and at home, you will get a good grade and love this class. However, if you choose to stop working, you will get behind very quickly, and it will be VERY difficult to catch up. DON’T DO THIS! ----- Meeting Notes (8/24/15 13:05) -----
Tutoring Every morning (8:30 – 9:00) Afternoons by appointment only You MUST sign up by 4:30 the previous afternoon! If you do not, I will not let you in. No this is not to be mean, but to respect your time, your classmates’ time, and my time. Afternoons by appointment only Talk to me during class During A or B lunch by appointment only Get a pass from me during class
Remind Text the message @hallchem16 to the number 81010 I will be sending messages primarily to remind you to bring proper shoes for lab days, but also to remind you of test dates. Sign up for this right now. You have 30 seconds. GO!
Absent? It is YOUR responsibility to come talk to me about what you missed and pick up any handouts. Do this as soon as humanly possible! Excused: 3 days to make up work for every day you are absent Unexcused: 24 hours. Come see me ASAP. 10 absences: Attendance Committee. Boo.
Grade Breakdown Tests – 50% Quizzes – 10% Labs & Projects – 30% Homework & Classwork – 10%
Honors Level Current Honors Students: Current Standard Students: May drop down to Standard until the end of the first semester MUST drop down to Standard if you have below a 70% at the end of first quarter Current Standard Students: May bump up to Honors until the end of the first quarter
Other Random Info Bathroom Pass: Go when you need to. Use your brain to determine if it’s an appropriate time. Sinks: Don’t play with them… Duh. Phones: If I seem them, I take them. No warnings. Classroom Supplies: Dismissing Class: Wait until we’re finished, don’t jump at the bell.