NFO 2016 Bob Burk
I Teach… CHEM 1001/2 – Large, online, with labs CHEM 2103, 2800, 3100 – Smaller, chalktalk and labs CHEM 4502, 4800 – Very small, chalktalk only
What I had…
What They Have
Things change… Years Ago Today
Students study at home… On-campus domain Website Visits by Domain
Students study in the evenings…
…and not on the weekends LMS Traffic is Low
…and certainly not on “study” breaks
Students Cram… Day of midterm Test
Watching Lectures
~5 visits per student per week Use of cuLearn Boiler-plate material (outline, syllabus, etc) Daily / weekly news Handouts, notes, etc Assignments, solutions Lab materials (safety videos, lab manual, …) Connections to lab coordinators, TAs, PASS facilitator, … ~5 visits per student per week
Homework Management Systems WileyPlus (Wiley) Mastering Chemistry (Pearson) Sapling Learning Enormous testbanks Some have answer-specific feedback Integration with cuLearn gradebook
YouTube Use others’ videos for teaching Post your own videos Lecture demos Lab preparation videos “How-to” videos How to operate an instrument How to use analytical glassware How to calculate uncertainties
YouTube Channel 52 videos in all: - 17 first year classroom demos - 16 first year lab demos - 13 organic lab demos - 10 analytical lab demos - 2 environmental lab demos > 3.3 M downloads 4,155 subscribers
File Link
YouTube as a Preparation Tool
YouTube as a Review Tool Experiment Performed Formal Lab Writeup Due
Student Comments I watched all of them I watched each one in its entirety I watched them before coming to the lab They helped me: Visualize the equipment setup Waste less time in the lab …the videos completely eliminated the "ughh what am I doing" moment… …helped prepare me for the labs as I am a visual learner.
Use of Twitter
Homework Helps…
…Studying Helps