RCAN Mini-Workshop December 8, 2016 Palm Springs Unified School District - CORE Reports Usage and Discussions RCAN Mini-Workshop December 8, 2016
Initial Discussions – Growth Report Groups for Initial Discussions Educational Services Leadership Team (ESLT) Cabinet Focus on Capacity Building What do the growth reports tell us? How do we accurately interpret the findings for our significant subgroups? How do we communicate the report information to the sites? How do we acknowledge successes and focus areas within both achievement and growth?
The Site Administration Growth Presentation: Oak Trees, Scatterplots, and Reflections Presented a hybrid of the CORE Academic Growth Model “Oak Tree Analogy” and “Step By Step” presentations. Embedded PSUSD school reports and scatterplots for “group think” and initial interpretation. Site administrator “packets”. Presentation slides (paper and digital) Site Growth Handouts (paper and digital) Questions were posed for reflection and discussion.
The Site Administration Growth Presentation: Reflection and Discussion Questions Review your site data and think about the following: What patterns are in your data set? What are possible areas of focus for improving growth? Overall and subgroup School site systems or practices What further information and/or resources might you need? Discuss with a colleague about the above items and: How does this information change our conversations about achievement? How can collaboration assist in improving growth? How might we discuss growth with staff members?
Growth Model: Further reflection for District Systems and Next Steps District Systems Discussions Next Steps for Growth Data Targeted site intervention through the PSUSD Alternative Governance structure. Achievement/Growth scatterplot location as an indication of strategic support. Subgroup support structures based on achievement and growth. Practices at high growth sites vs. practices at high achievement sites. Site Administrators Part 2 – Comparisons, Collaboration, Connections Once available, locate similar schools within Riverside County and/or CORE districts with similar traits but higher achievement and/or growth.
Current CORE Report Discussions Heat Maps, CORE Index Reports, And Culture/climate New reporting populated in late November: ELA and Math measures Chronic Absenteeism EL Redesignation Suspension and Expulsion Student lists accessed through CORE Index report. Targeted student lists for any Index Level measure Expanded use of the Heat Map and subgroup results based on CORE Index coding. Anticipated updating of the HS Readiness report.