Welcome back Year 12 from Computer Science Department
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Alice: “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?“ Cat: "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.“ Alice: "I don't much care where –“ Cat: "Then it doesn't matter which way you go.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Long term plan Local and International staff are facilitators of learning rather than teachers. The core thought for this year is to prepare you for university and many of the skills you will learn in this subject, such as Independent Learning, Critical Thinking, Planning, Time Management. All terms will be broken up into four sections and each section will follow on from the other giving cohesion, giving you a solid foundation and build on previous knowledge.
Long term plan Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 (1A) Algorithms & Programming (2A) Information theory (3A) Program design (4A) IT in society (1C) (1B) Modelling (2B) Hardware & networks (3B) Web technologies (4B) Project Documentation / Evaluation (1C) (Analysis) (2C) (2C) (Design / Implementation (3C) (3C) (Implementation / Testing) (4C) Revision
Allocated hours The number of hours for computer science in year 12 is: 6 * 40 minute sessions/week * 34 weeks/year = 204 academic hours per year. or 3 * 80 minute sessions/week * 34 weeks/year = 204 academic hours per year. Minimum Personal Study time per week per subject is 240 minutes
Software Developer Must be able to accept responsibility you own your mistakes, and you can’t learn without making one Problem solving ability to break problems down into small parts Explicit attention to detail Research look up concepts that are unknown Ability to read code you did not write learn as many languages as possible Try something new
Benefits Fun Challenging Very gratifying Very important – Every industry needs software, people respect software engineers / developers One of the highest paid & most respected professions – great starting salaries Work in creative environments (sometimes)
Benefits Learn about a lot of things Databases Development Libraries File formats Networks Encryption Graphics Processing HTML
Challenges Pressure YOU MUST SUCCEED (failure is not an option) Long hours Research time can exceed development time. Personal life sacrifice Sedentary Try to exercise Exhausting You use a lot of your brain Group work Where teams complete a project with a common aim. An emphasis on accuracy and precision Having open ended tasks Employing modelling You use a range of approaches to create graphical, mathematical, economic and physical models. Problem analysis is the art of modelling through abstraction and reconstruction as a computer program.
Approaches to assessment in computer science An Integrated Criteria-based Assessment Model (ICBAM) this brings together different assessment modes – the Integrated Educational Programme (IEP). Three strands of assessment to capture your learning progress throughout the school year: Classroom assessment (CA) – formative plus summative Internal summative assessment (ISA) – End of term assessments External summative assessment (ESA) – external assessment summative and(may included) formative produced and graded externally.
Learners’ progress Assessment Point Classroom Assessment (Project) Two measures of learners’ progress will be reported: The Termly Grade will be reported at the end of each term, four times a year. It will combine the Classroom Assessment and the Internal Summative Assessment for the term. The Final Annual attestation will be reported at the end of the school year. It will combine the Class Assessment for the four terms, the Internal Summative Assessment for the four terms, and the External Summative Assessment. Assessment Point Classroom Assessment (Project) Internal Summative Assessment External Summative Assessment Termly Grades 30% 70% 0% Final Attestation with ESA 25% 50% at·tes·ta·tion [at-e-stey-shuhn] Show IPA noun1.an act of attesting. 2.an attesting declaration; testimony; evidence. 1.( tr ) to affirm the correctness or truth of
Project “Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely, "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Assessed against four criteria Description Knowledge & Understanding Know and recall specific facts, information and descriptions. Demonstrate understanding through correctly reproducing, predicting or explaining relevant information. Application Use and apply information and prior knowledge in new or unfamiliar contexts and situations. Critical thinking and research Form judgements which derive from sourcing, synthesising and evaluating information that is relevant. Demonstrate the ability to gather information and/or results and interpret them accurately through analysis. Communication & reflection Convey information, facts, thoughts and opinions both verbally and written. Demonstrate the ability to listen to others. Negotiate with others, understanding their point of view, explaining your own point of view coming to a shared understanding. Reflect on opinions, thoughts and events and make judgements/decisions or take action as a result of reflection.