Primary and Secondary Sources 8.5.spi.3 Differentiate between a primary and secondary source.
Primary Sources History is like a puzzle that we have to piece together to find the answers. Historians often use two kinds of evidence to interpret the past: Primary Sources Secondary Sources
What is a Primary Source? An informational source from the time of the event Autobiographies Diaries Documents Eyewitness accounts Film footage Laws (Can you think of one that we have studied?) Letters Newspaper articles Objects from the time Oral histories Photographs Poems, art, music Speeches
What are Secondary Sources? An informational source that analyzes or interprets the event. These sources often use several primary sources to compile the information. Biographies Encyclopedias History books Textbooks Works of art created by someone who was not an eyewitness (Can you think of an example?)
Connecting to future learning You need to be able to look at specific documents and tell whether or not they primary or secondary. For example: Is the Diary of Anne Frank primary of secondary? 8.5.spi.12 Differentiate between primary and secondary source documents
Connecting to future learning You need to able to draw conclusions by looking at excerpts from primary and secondary source documents. 8.5.spi.11 Identify conclusions about historical events using primary and secondary sources.