F. Defung Samarinda, 12 Nopember 2016 Pelatihan penulisan artikel ilmiah: STRUKTUR ARTIKEL ILMIAH BIDANG SOSIAL F. Defung Samarinda, 12 Nopember 2016
General structure of a full article Initial information (mainly for indexing and searching) Title Authors Abstract Keywords Main Text Introduction Background Literature review Method Results Discussion Conclusions Closing Acknowledgment References Supplementary material
General guidelines: Title: Short and informative Abstract: 1 paragraph (<250 words) Introduction and Background: 1.5 - 2 pages Literature Review: 1 – 2 pages Methods: 2-3 pages Results: 6-8 pages Discussion: 4-6 pages Conclusion: 1-2 paragraph Figures: 6-8 (one per page) Tables: 1-3 (one per page) References: 20-50 papers (2-4 pages)
A. The title, abstract, and keywords: Why it is important to get them right ? Enable the dissemination of your research. Most electronic search engines, databases, or journal websites will use the words found in your title and abstract. 2. The title and abstract are often the only parts of a paper that are freely available online 3. The abstract is the first section of your paper that journal editors and reviewers read
Title typically 10–12 words long “A good title and abstract is key to getting cited more frequently” and scholars are typically terrible at creating good titles and abstracts” Your title should catch the eye and convey the thesis of your work in one snappy formulation Your title is just the first step in attracting a potential reader typically 10–12 words long
A good research paper title Condenses the paper’s content in a few words Captures the readers’ attention Differentiates the paper from other papers of the same subject area Use descriptive terms and phrases that accurately highlight the core content of the paper
Test your title and abstract Google Scholar can help test your title and abstract. Nothing shows up ? … GOOD !!, but ?? … Many shows up ? ….. BAD !!, but ??
Abstract Generally between 100 and 250 words in length It should help the reader decide “whether there is something in the body of the paper worth reading” Types of Abstract ? Descriptive abstracts, usually used in the social sciences and humanities, do not give specific information about methods and results. (Just a sentence or two) Informative abstracts are commonly used in the sciences and present information on the background, aim, methods, results, and conclusions Structured abstracts are essentially informative abstracts divided into a series of headings (e.g., Objective, Method, Results, Conclusion) and are typically found in medical literature and clinical trial reports.
Informative abstract Background: A simple opening sentence or two placing the work in context. • Aims: One or two sentences giving the purpose of the work. • Method(s): One or two sentences explaining what was done. • Results: One or two sentences indicating the main findings. • Conclusions: One sentence giving the most important consequence of the work.
Check the final abstract Contains information that is consistent with that presented in the paper. Meets the guidelines of the targeted journal (word limit, type of abstract, etc.) Typographical errors-free. As these may lead referees and editors to says : “conclude that the paper is bad and should be rejected”
Introduction “Introduction” is the way/space to convince readers that you clearly know your work is useful. A good introduction should answer the following questions: What was I studying? Why was this topic important to investigate? What did we know about this topic before I did this study? How will this study advance new knowledge or new ways of understanding?
What do editors expect from an introduction of research paper?: Provide a perspective that consistent with the nature of the journal Introduce the main scientific publications on which your work is based, citing a couple of original and important works, including recent review articles. Do not do ‘improper citations’ of too many references that irrelevant to the research topic, Do not do inappropriate judgments on your own achievements
tips for the introduction: Never use more words than necessary (be concise and to-the-point). Don't make this section into a history lesson. Long introductions put readers off. Give the whole picture at first! We all know that you are keen to present your new data. But ?. The introduction must be organized from the global to the particular point of view, guiding the readers to your objectives when writing this paper. Always keep them separate to ensure that the manuscript flows logically from one section to the next. State the purpose of the paper and research strategy adopted to answer the question, but do not mix introduction with results, discussion and conclusion. Expressions such as "novel," "first time," "first ever," and "paradigm-changing" are not preferred. Use them sparingly (se-hemat mungkin)
Literature review Review of literature is one of the most important steps in the research process A literature review is more than the search for information, and goes beyond being a descriptive annotated bibliography. All works included in the review must be read, evaluated and analyzed (which you would do for an annotated bibliography), but relationships between the literature must also be identified and articulated, in relation to your field of research. Annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief, descriptive and evaluative paragraph. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.
The purposes of the review are: familiarize the reader with relevant literature and research in an area of study demonstrate relationships among the prior research inform the reader what has already been discovered to avoid duplication identify gaps and discrepancies in the literature define and limit the problem you are working on place your study in a historical perspective avoid unnecessary duplication evaluate promising research methods relate your findings to previous knowledge and suggest further research
Various sub-title (name) for literature review Review of literature Past studies review Existing studies Prior literature A Critical Review of Related Studies Etc…
Methods The methods section of a research paper provides the information by which a study’s validity is judged.
The methodology section can be generally divided into several specific parts 1. Define the population and the methods of sampling 2. Describe the instrumentation 3. Describe the procedures and if relevant, the time frame 4. Describe the analysis plan 5. Describe any approaches to ensure validity and reliability 6. State any assumptions 7. Describe the scope and limitations of the methodology
Result or Findings What have you found? Present only representative results, numbers or facts determined from the analysis Effective ways to present results : Tables, charts, graph If using a hypothesis: accept or reject the hypothesis Use proper sub-heading to classifies the results to make it easier to read/review
Discussion This is the section to discuss the results DO NOT reiterate the results Compare your result to previous (published) results. DO NOT hide if your result is not inline with common . Example: The finding is inline with Alex (1990), How ever it is contradict with Ana (2005).
Conclusion Conclude your paper with the proper results finding. Do not repeat the abstract what can be done in future research. Policy implication.
Publisher DO want quality Wanted Originality Significant advances in field Appropriate methods, case studies and conclusions Readability Studies that meet ethical standards Not wanted Duplications Reports of no scientific interest Work out of date Inappropriate/incomplete methods or conclusions Studies with insufficient data
“To get to know, to discover, to publish-this the destiny of a scientist “ (François Arago) Thank you