Presentation for PhD Students, Spring 2017 Updated 30 Jan. 2017 NOVA Presentation for PhD Students, Spring 2017 Updated 30 Jan. 2017
The Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network (NOVA) is a university cooperation aimed at supporting the understanding of major global challenges in a Nordic context. Our main task is to initiate, administer, promote and financially support cooperation between the Nordic universities in postgraduate education. NOVA provides a platform for networking betweeen Nordic postgraduate students through facilitating high quality, international level education for postgraduate students. The courses are planned, run and taught by a group of leading Nordic teachers and researchers. What is nova?
NOVA member institutions Aarhus University, Science and Technology, AU-ST University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, HU-AF University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, HU-V University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences, UEF-F The Agricultural University of Iceland, LBHI The Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science (KU-SCIENCE) ceased to be a NOVA member from 1 Jan. 2017. However, they will organise three NOVA PhD courses in 2017. NOVA member institutions
Course Responsible NOVA PhD Courses 2017 Dates Thomas Spillmann, HU-V Advanced Imaging Procedures in Canine Clinical Veterinary Science 29 May – 2 Jun. Rodomiro Ortiz, SLU Nordic PhD Course Plant Breeding: Adaptation and Resilience in Plant Breeding 11-16 Jun. Mattias Borg Rasmussen, KU-SCIENCE Environmental Justice 12-16 Jun. Helena Röcklinsberg, SLU Vethics - Ethical Challenges for Veterinarians in One World Elise Norberg, AU-ST Design of Genetic Improvement Programs End of Jun. OR beg. of Jul. Biological Consequences of Selection 21-25 Aug. Anne Toppinen, HU-AF Innovation Systems in the Bioeconomy 28 Aug. – 1 Sept. Timo Tokola, UEF-F GIS Based Analysis of Ecosystem Services 4-8 Sept. Päivi Rajala-Schultz, HU-V Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Andrea Nightingale, SLU Governance at the ‘Edge’ of the State: Political Subjectivity and Citizenship 12-15 Sept. Göran Bostedt, SLU State of the Art in International Forest Policy 11-15 Sept. Ewa Mellerowicz, SLU Wood Biology and Biotechnology 30 Oct. – 3 Nov. The pages will be updated with application information as soon as the course responsibles have provided information to NOVA on that.
Course Responsible PhD Course Series Dates Heikki Hokkanen, HU‐AF (main responsible for series) Biodiversity and Integrated Pest Management 2015-2018 Velemir Ninkovic, SLU 1. Biodiversity Based IPM in Field Crops 2015 Gudmundur Halldorsson, LBHI 2. Modern IPM in Greenhouses 2016 Lars P. Kiær, KU‐SCIENCE 3. Stacking Biodiversity Benefits for Sustainable IPM 1-6 Oct. 2017 Heikki Hokkanen, HU‐AF 4. Pollinators within IPM Strategies for Agriculture 2018 Irmeli Mustalahti, UEF-F (main responsible for series) Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution 2016-2019 Irmeli Mustalahti, UEF-F 1. Tools for Analysis and Intervention: Case Mexico Jens Emborg, KU-SCIENCE 2. Framework for analysis and intervention: Cases in Kenya and Denmark Aug. 2017 Hans Peter Hansen, SLU 3. Inveigling Factor of Stakeholders: Cases in Sweden and Finland John McNeish, NMBU 4. Explorations of Collaborative Closures in Environmental Conflicts: Cases in Norway and Bolivia 2019 Dan Funck Jensen, SLU (main responsible for series) Plant Pathology with a Nordic Dimension 2017-2020 Dan Funck Jensen, SLU 1. Biological Control: Microbial Interactions for Improved Plant Health 29 May – 3 Jun. 2017 Mogens Hovmøller, AU-ST 2. Biotrophy in Plant Pathogens - from Recognition to Ecology Arne Stensvand, NMBU 3. Epidemiology and Populations Genetics Jari Valkonen, HU-AF 4. Secondary Metabolites in Plant Resistance and Pathogen Virulence 2020
More courses for 2017 may be approved during spring 2017. Information on NOVA: Subscribe to our newsletter to keep updated on NOVA courses. There is a local NOVA coordinator at your institution who can help you with questions on NOVA.