Single Line Tethered Glider Jon Erbelding Paul Grossi Sajid Subhani Kyle Ball Matthew Douglas William Charlock
Agenda Team introduction Problem definition Private and academic development Customer needs Engineering requirements Timeline moving forward
Team Introduction Team Member Role Sajid Subhani Industrial Eng / Team Lead Kyle Ball Mech Eng Matthew Douglas William Charlock Jon Erbelding Paul Grossi MSD Staff Role Ed Hanzlik Team Guide Art North Mario Gomes Customer
Problem Definition Glider Tether Operator w/ controller Goal: Design, build, and test a tethered, small- scale, human-controlled glider. Critical project objectives Maintain maximum tension on the tether Sustaining horizontal and vertical flight paths Measure/record tether tension & position Understand the influential parameters for sustained, tethered, unpowered flight Why we’re exploring this concept: This system will lead to the ability to harness high-altitude wind energy currently inaccessible by wind turbines. Wind turbines at similar heights would require unfeasibly large structures to support the forces exerted upon them. Why we need to identify influential parameters: This will assist in creating automated controls in future projects. Base Station
Private Development Ampyx Power Tethered Glider Ground power generation Figure-8 pattern Capable of generating 850kW
Private Development Makani Power Tethered Glider Airborne wind turbines Circular pattern Tested 30kW; Goal of 600kW
Academic Papers Loyd 1980 Paper outlining how to harness high altitude wind energy 3 Different Methods Simple Kite Crosswind Powered Kite Drag Powered Kite Uses turbines on kite rather than a ground based generator
Academic Papers Lansdorp Two Different Arrays of Kites Pumping Mill Laddermill Created a system to measure the tension magnitude and direction using 3D load cell assembly Basis for our system Three axis load cell system created by Lansdorp et al.Image taken from [Lansdorp 2007].
Academic Papers Donnelly Fighter Kites Theoretical model to predict motion of fighter kite Created a method to control the fighter kite motion Created an experimental rig with generator and variable tether length similar to Lansdorp’s. Three axis load cell allowing for variable tether length created by Chris Donnelley. Image taken from [Donnelly 2013].
Customer Needs CN # Importance Description CN1 1 Tethered glider system (with electric prop assist for launching) that demonstrates at least 3 minutes of continuous circular flight path with taunt tether. CN2 Human controlled plane CN3 No special flight skills required CN4 2 Laptop not required for data collection CN5 Tether tension is measured and recorded during flights CN6 Tether direction is measured and recorded during flights CN7 Videos with accompanying data files of all flight tests CN8 Robust plane design CN9 Maximize tether tension CN10 Vertical and horizontal flight CN11 Obtain data that can be compared to Matlab simulation CN12 Reasonable plane size
Engineering Requirements Metric No. Metric Marginal Value Ideal Value Units 1 Wingspan <=1.5 <1 m 2 Weight <=6 <=4 lbs 3 System Cost <500 $ 4 Length of Looping Flight >2 >=3 min 5 Resolution of Tension Data <=0.1 <=0.01 N 6 Resolution of Angular Position Data <=0.5 deg 7 Typical Repair Time 8 Data Sampling Rate >=100 >=500 Hz 9 Minimal Operational Wind Speed at Ground Level 10 mph Maximum Operational Wind Speed at Ground Level 20 40 11 Safe for User and Observer Yes Binary 12 Number of Looping Trials Demonstrated >=25 >=30 Integer 13 Training Time (1st Time) <30 <20 14 Number of Left Right Horizontal Trials
House of Quality
Timeline Phase 1 (wk 1-3) - COMPLETE! Phase 2 (wk 4-6) - In progress Define/understand problem definition Research similar projects Organize as a team Phase 2 (wk 4-6) - In progress Learn to fly Research production load cells & gliders Identify/understand critical engineering theory
Timeline Phase 3 (wk 7-9) Phase 4 (wk 10-13) Phase 5 (wk 14-15) Determine glider design If building glider from scratch Identify airfoil types, materials, control/communication features Develop theoretical simulation of flight Phase 4 (wk 10-13) Refine glider design Refine theoretical simulations Phase 5 (wk 14-15) Order materials
Using Asana
Summary Team introduction Problem definition Private and academic development Customer needs Engineering requirements Timeline moving forward
References Ampyx Power. Makani Power. Loyd, Miles L. “Crosswind Kite Power.” Journal of Energy 4.3 (1980): 106–111. Print. Lansdorp, Bas. “Comparison of Concepts for High-altitude Wind Energy Generation with Ground Based Generator.” Proceedings of the NRE 2005 Conference,Beijing, (2005): 1–9. Web. 17 Feb. 2011. Donnelly, Christopher. “Dynamics and control of a single-line maneuverable kite.” Rochester Institute of Technology. (2013).