Value of Advertising: Global Survey Results EASA Board meeting Stockholm, Oct. 30, 2009
The global ad industry said… Advertising plays an important role in today’ society. It is the driver of consumer choice and helps us get better value for money. It enables innovation to be brought to market and stimulates economic growth and jobs. It funds free and independent media and a wide variety of sport and cultural events. WFA set out to demonstrate the value of advertising to consumers and society:
Nielsen conducted a global survey to help us understand what consumers say… 50 markets surveyed by The Nielsen Company Total sample size 25,420
Global summary, ranked Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Asia-Pacific overview: consumers who agree/ disagree that advertising… Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: WFA/ Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Latin America overview: : consumers who agree/ disagree that advertising… Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Middle East & Africa overview: consumers who agree/ disagree that advertising… Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: WFA/ Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
North America overview: consumers who agree/ disagree that advertising… Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Western Europe overview: consumers who agree/ disagree that advertising… Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: WFA/ Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Eastern Europe overview: consumers who agree/ disagree that advertising… Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: WFA/ Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising and sponsorship are important to fund sporting events, art exhibitions and cultural events: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
By helping companies succeed, advertising creates jobs in those companies and in the advertising industry: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising contributes to growth of the economy : By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising stimulates competition, which leads to better products and lower prices: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
By providing me with information, advertising allows me to make better consumer choices: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising funds low cost and free content on the Internet, TV, newspapers and other media: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising often gets my attention and is entertaining: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising often gets my attention and is entertaining: By market Note: See appendix for country codes. Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Advertising provides useful information on important issues in society, such as safety and health: By region Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries
Encouraging… But there is a still long way to go towards re-building trust (not least in digital) Note: See appendix for country codes. Note: excludes those who responded ‘don’t have an opinion’ Source: Nielsen Online Global Online Survey 2009: Base: 25,420 across 50 countries