Gweithgor Arfer Dda Plas Menai, 24/4/09.


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Presentation transcript:

Gweithgor Arfer Dda Plas Menai, 24/4/09

Rhaglen y Dydd / Programme 9.15 – 9.30 Cyrraedd a coffi / Arrival and coffee   9.30 – 11.00 Sesiwn 1: Y prosiect Cynllunio ar draws y cwricwlwm Session 1: Planning across the Curriculum Project Bwriad y sesiwn fydd cyfle i rannu datblygiadau cychwynnol y prosiect drwy ffocws ar ddysgu gweithredol yn cynnwys rhoi sylw i gwestiynnu a myfyrio. The aim of the session will be to share initial project development through active learning approaches including focusing on questioning and reflection. 11.00 – 11.30 Coffi / Coffee 11.30 – 12.30 Sesiwn 2 / Session 2 – Ffocws ar ddisgyblion abl a thalentog – datblygiadau cenedlaethol a lleol, a cefnogaeth i godi ymwybyddiaeth mewn ysgolion. Focus on able and Talented learners – national and local developments and support for raising awareness in schools. Hugh Gwynne, Cynnal 12.30 – 1.30 Cinio / Lunch 1.30 – 2.30 Sesiwn 3: ffocws ar y fframwaith sgiliau – MEDDWL Session 3: focus on the skills framework – THINKING Ehangu prosiect datblygu meddwl ac asesu ar gyfer dysgu yn genedlaethol a lleol / National and local Roll out of the developing thinking and AfL project Deunyddiau asesu dewisol: sgiliau – cyfle i ymgyfarwyddo a’r deunyddiau newydd ac ystyried goblygiadau ar gyfer pontio CA2 i CA3 / Optional skills assessment materials (OSAMs) – an opportunity to look at these new materials and to consider their implications for KS2-3 transition. Margaret Robertson, Cynnal 2.30 – 3.00 Camau Nesaf / Next Steps 3.00 – 3.15 Cloi ac Arfarnu / Close and evaluate.

Y siwrne hyd yma / The journey so far ...

Y siwrne hyd yma / The journey so far ...

Cynllunio / Planning: Adborth HMS Consortiwm / Consortium Feedback Prosiect Cynllunio ar draws y Cwricwlwm / Cross-curricular Planning Project Prosiect is-grwp llywio Cydweithio efo Adrannau / Working with departments ... + Reference to MR’s OSAMS this afternoon

Datblygu Sgiliau / Developing Skills Concrete Diriaethol Simple Syml Personal Personol Familiar Cyfarwydd Support Cefnogaeth Interactive Rhyngweithiol Abstract Haniaethol Complex Cymhleth Broad Perspective Glowg Eang Unfamiliar Anghyfarwydd Independent Annibynnol Strategic Strategol Considering skills progression. If we have the same PoS at KS2 and KS3 (more or less) how do we ensure progression? These are the key principles underlining the skills frameworks. English has a lot to offer in terms of being able to develop learners’ skills through varied and increasingly challenging contexts (texts, contexts, skills …)

Gweithgaredd 1: Canllawiau [1] Activity 1: Guidance [1] Trefnwch ei hunain mewn grwpiau sy’n cynnwys hyd at 3 aelod o’r GADd sy’n rhan o’r Prosiect Cynllunio ar draws y Cwricwlwm, a hyd at 3 aelod o’r GADd sydd ddim (hyd at 6 person mewn grŵp). Organise yourselves into groups that include up to 3 members of the GADd who are part of the Planning Across the Curriculum Project, and up to 3 members of the GADd who are not (max 6 per group).

Gweithgaredd 1: Canllawiau [2] Activity 1: Guidance [2] Nod: I gasglu gwybodaeth am y 9 prosiect Meini Prawf: Penderfynnu ar a holi cwestiynnau effeithiol Cywain gwybodaeth Adrodd yn ol i’r grwp Myfyrio ar y broses a’r gwybodaeth gasglwyd Objective: To gather information about the 9 projects taking place. Success Criteria: Asking effective questions Gathering information Feeding back to the group Reflecting on the process and information gathered

Gweithgaredd 1: Canllawiau [3] Activity 1: Guidance [3] SUT? Yn eich grwp ... Cam 1: Penderfynwch ar 5 cwestiwn da i’w ofyn Cam 2: Rhannu prosiectau’r grwp Cam 3: Ymchwilio i prosiectau eraill Cam 4: Adborth yn ol i’r grwp Cam 5: Myfyrio HOW? In your group ... Step 1: Decide on 5 good questions to ask Step 2: Share group project developments Step 3: Research the other projects Step 4: Feedback to group Step 5: Reflection

Gweithgaredd 1: Canllawiau [4] Activity 1: Guidance [4] Adnabod Meini Prawf llwyddiant ... Er mwyn llwyddo, penderfynwych ar 3 peth fydd angen i chi fod wedi ei wneud/gwybod/dea ll a sut fyddai’n bosib cyflawni rheini? Identifying Success Criteria ... In order to succeed on this task decide on 3 key criteria you will need to have met, and how you might achieve these.

Gweithgaredd 1: Canllawiau [5] Activity 1: Guidance [5] CYMORTH: Canllawiau ar mathau o gwestiynnau Taflen gynllunio cwestiynnau Taflen Cywain gwybodaeth Gwybodaeth sylfaenol am y 9 prosiect HELP: Guidance on asking questions Question planning sheet Information gathering sheet Basic information about the 9 projects Unrhyw Gwestiwn? Any Questions?

MYFYRIO: REFLECT: Were your questions useful/effective? Why? Oedd eich cwestiynnau yn rhai defnyddiol/ effeithiol? Pam? Wnaethoch chi lwyddo i gyrraedd eich meini prawf llwyddiant? Wnaethoch chi ddarganfod unrhywbeth fydd o gymorth wrth symud eich prosiect chi yn ei flaen / neu wrth dreialu blwyddyn nesaf yn eich hysgol? Were your questions useful/effective? Why? Did you meet your success crieteria? Did you find out anything that would be useful in moving either Your project on Trialling next year?

- + D PMI MAD [Plus-Minus- Interesting] [Manteision - Anfanteision - Diddorol] Taflen gwerthuso – efallai fedrwn ni grynhoi drwy hwn? Bwysig cael adborth gennych chi. Agweddau penodol fyddech chi’n dymuno rhoi sylw iddynt yn ystod 2008/09. Negeseuon i’r tim o ran eich cefnogi. Oes yna adrannau/pynciau sydd yn fwy o her? Sut fedrwn ni eich cynorthwyo i roi sylw i hynny? + - cryfderau / tweakio / datblygu. Diolch. Beth yw hwn? Mae dysgwyr yn categoreiddio eu dysgu neu eu syniadau yn: Manteision [-] (h.y. efallai na fydd yn gweithio) Anfanteision [+] (h.y. wedi gweithio); Diddorol. Mae'n annog dysgwyr i adnabod beth sydd wedi gweithio a beth sydd heb weithio ar gyfer eu dysgu. Gellir defnyddio grid fel yr un uchod.

Camau Nesaf / Next Steps: Treialu tymor yma Rhannu – erbyn Medi 2009? Trialling this term Sharing – by September 2009 Unrhyw Gwestiwn? Any Questions?